Chapter 21

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"That was fun!" Meredy announced.

"Yes, I agree," Ultear said. "Now that Erza's gone, we'll have to deal with Mr. Grumpy again."

"Is he purposely ignoring us?" Meredy whispered.

Ultear shrugged and walked towards her tent, "We should get dinner ready."

"Did you confess?" Meredy asked, walking up to Jellal.


"You didn't run away from her again, did you?" Meredy teased.


"Can you something besides the word 'no'?"


"Do you like Erza?" Meredy asked, poking his arm.

He didn't reply.

"Ul! Jelly-kun is being boring!" Meredy complained, running after Ultear.

"Ugh..Jellal! I feel like I'm your mom!" Ultear said, face-palming, "JUST CONFESS ALREADY!"

"What am I supposed to say to Erza?" Jellal asked. "I love you, even though I killed Simon, nearly killed you, lied to you, and made you cry ten thousand times."

"So you do like Erza!" Meredy exclaimed.

"You could say that," Ultear said from the tent. "But all you need to do is take out the 'even though I killed Simon, nearly killed you, lied to you, and made you cry ten thousand times' part."

"Yeah! You know that was all Zeref's doing!" Meredy said soothingly.

"I'm pretty sure Zeref didn't make me lie to her," the blue-haired man grumbled.

"Oh, you mean that 'I have a fiancee' story?" Ultear asked. "Yeah, that was pretty stupid."

"Thanks a lot," he muttered.

"You're welcome," Ultear said.

Getting up, Jellal said, "I'm going for a walk. I'll be back in an hour."

Then I can take a little break from their lecturing..

"If you see Juvia-chan, say hi!" Meredy giggled. "She could give you some good.. 'stalking' advice."

"And don't get caught in Fairy Hills," Ultear added. "It's an all girls dorm."

Were my actions of checking on Erza that obvious?

Tugging on his hood, he left the Crime Sorciere camp, and wandered through the woods, towards the Fairy Tail guild.

"Erza! Where are you?" Gray yelled peeking under a box.

Why is Gray looking for Erza..under a box?

"Hey Jellal!"Natsu said running up to me. "Have you seen Erza?"


"What happened to her?" Jellal asked, trying his best to keep calm.

"Natsu!" Lucy scolded. "Don't worry Jellal so much!" Turning to him, she said, "Once in a while..Erza eats too much cake.."

"And goes a little cuckoo," Gray said, getting up from the ground.

"More like hyper," Lucy interrupted, looking around to make sure Erza hadn't heard.

"I see.." the boy said, still not exactly sure what had happened to Erza.

"And she went a little wild, and is probably bouncing around the streets of Magnolia!" Natsu said grinning.

"So if you find Erza, let us know!" Lucy said cheerfully. Smirking she whispered, "Which you were probably doing anyway."


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