Chapter 29

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Jellal POV (=^.^=)

"I'm bored," I groaned. "Being a cat is boring!"

Erza smiled at me, "The guild has a couple of board games in the closet."

"Yeah!" Natsu yelled. "Jellal and I can play chess!"

Four days had past since the day I was turned into a neko. I was eagerly waiting for the remaining three days to go by quickly, and go back to my original form...Although I hated to admit that being Erza's cat wasn't that bad..

"Luce!" Nastu called, setting the box down on the table. "How do you set up the game?"

Gray laughed, "Flamebrain doesn't know how to set up chess!"

"Shut up!" Natsu spat.

Lucy rolled her eyes and began to set up the game, "Jellal; black or white?"

"Black," I said, climbing on to the table and sitting down.

Black symbolizes all of the sins I have committed.

Erza frowned with disapproval and sat down on the bench next to me.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu announced. (A/N: This is really random but the word 'Natsu' just autocorrected to 'Nasty.')

"Hmm," he decided. "I'm gonna move this pawn!"

I quickly stretched out my paw and slided my black pawn over two spaces.

Natsu grinned and moved his king three spaces and jumped over his own pawn.

"You can't do that" I protested.

"Yes you can!" he insisted. "This is Fairy Tail style!"

"Fine!" I said, moving my bishop around the board, knocking over his king and queen.

"You can't do that!" Natsu yelled.

"Yes you can," I said, grinning to myself. "This is Crime Sorciere style!"

"Not fair!" Natsu shouted.

"Ugh..You're such an idiot!" Lucy groaned. "You could have used your King to knock out his king!"

"Yeah!" Gray agreed. "Since you're playing 'Fairy Tail' style. But of course we all know Natsu is too stupid to realize that!"

I quietly backed away, not wanting to be involved in the arguement.

"Kitty!" Meredy squealed, picking me up.

"Save me!" I choked. "Ultear!"

Ultear winked and walked away, "Ask your beautiful princess."

I frowned and began to squirm out of Meredy's grip.

"Sapphire!" Meredy whined. "Be a good kitty!"

"Yes!" I whispered triumphantly, sliding out of her arms. I landed on the floor with a thud.

"I thought cats were supposed to land on their paws," Erza teased. "Not on their side!"

I jumped up and quickly ran behind her.

"Ul!" Meredy pouted. "Jellal keeps running away!"

"Don't worry," Ultear whispered so only I could hear. "He's busy trying to get close to the 'love his life.'"

"Shut up," I muttered.

"That's not very nice!" Ultear said.

"Come on Jellal," Erza said, bending down to pick me up. "It's getting late. We should go to bed."


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