Chapter 4

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"Erza? Are you okay?" Lucy asked.

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me. Team Natsu needs you, and Juvia will need help adjusting." I responded, as I pretended to pick an S Class job.

Lucy smiled, "Have fun on your S Class mission!"

"Mira! I got an S Class job! I'll be back in a couple days! Bye!" I said rushing out the door.

"Wait! What job did you take?" I heard Mira Jane ask.

I'll tell her later..

"Erza," Jellal greeted me, as he descended from the air. "According to Ultear, a new dark guild called Dark Dragon has been formed, we need to disband it immediately. I'll tell you more when we meet the others."

I nodded. "So, how are we going to..?" I trailed off.

"The fastest way to get their is Meteor, and.."Jellal told me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Do me a favor and don't make this a habit," I mumbled.

We landed in front of a small hotel, and he instinctively put my hood up. "Follow me," Jellal told me.

We stepped inside the elevator.


"Why did you lie to me?" I whispered.

Jellal stared at the ground, "I..can't tell you."

"Do you not-"

He quickly  walked out the elevator, and I reluctantly followed him.

He doesn't trust me..

"So, as I was saying," Ultear said, turning to acknowledge us,"Jellal, Meredy, and I will be in our normal disguises, and Erza can dye her hair-"

"There is no need for Erza to disguise. She has been gone for seven years and Dark Dragon has only just been formed," Jellal said. 

"Is that safe?" Meredy asked skeptically.

"She'll be fine."

"Well, let's spend the night here, and we'll officially begin the mission tomorrow!" Ultear said, bringing the conversation to an end.

"That would be nice. Where will I be staying?" I asked politely.

"There's only two rooms, so-" Ultear began to explain.

Jellal and I exchanged panicked looks, "I'll go and check out two more rooms."

Ultear shrugged, a small smile on her face,"Don't worry, Meredy's doing that."

I sighed, "Good. I'll see you guys later."

Ultear and Jellal nodded with acknowledgment.

I unlocked the door to my room and sat down on my bed.

I lied to Fairy Tail, and made Jellal feel even guiltier..What kind of person am I?

"I'm doing the right thing," I muttered. "This way I can protect Crime Sorciere."

I requiped into my pajamas and lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

What will Fairy Tail think of me?


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