Chapter 10

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Everything is going to be fine..

I could feel my body trembling under all my Admantine Armor, as I stood in the woods behind the Dark Dragon guild.

Nice and easy. Pretend you don't know anyone is trying to kill you..

I smiled. That sounded really weird..

"Sema!" Jellal shouted from behind me. I held my arms up to my face, creating a large, spiky shield. I could feel his magic being absorbed into my armor. Dust flew everywhere, and the sky turned a dark, cloudy gray.

"Meteor," Jellal whispered, picking me up gently and flying through the dust.

Jellal set me down deep in the woods and sat down with a sigh. Meredy and Ultear ran up to us.

"Mission accomplished!" Meredy said, grinning.

"Not quite. Now the guild trusts us..Which makes it easier to disband," Ultear objected.

"True," Meredy responded. "Hey Jellal? After our mission, can we get ice cream?"

Jellal managed a small smile, "If we can sneak into an ice cream shop."

"Now what?" Meredy asked, sitting down beside me.

"We go back to the guild, show them the pieces of shattered armor and say we killed Erza," Jellal said getting up. The four of us walked back to the guild hall.

"You know what?" I asked suddenly. "We should take over this guild hall once we disband Dark Dragon."

"Perfect!" Meredy agreed. "I've always wanted Crime Sorciere to have a guild hall!"

"We do have a guild hall," Jellal said, looking offended.

"Hey!" Wind said, running towards us, her eyes glinting.

"We did it!" Meredy said, approaching the female wizard.

"I'm an idiot!" Wind announced, as her comrades appeared behind her.

"That's nice to know," I muttered under my breath. Ultear smirked.

"I just remembered. Erza..Erza Scarlet, the color of her hair." Storm said, stepping beside Wind.

I tensed and Jellal frowned. 

"The color of your hair!" Shadow said, pulling off my hood. "You're Erza Scarlet! And they're that pesky Crime Sorciere guild! Those criminals!"

"I told you we should have dyed her hair!" Ultear screamed.

"I didn't think the guild was that smart!" Jellal retorted.

"You're the guild master!" Meredy complained.

"Quit putting all the blame on me!" Jellal said.

"Shut up all of you!" I yelled out loud. They stared at me.

"The Crime Sorciere way failed." I said. "So we'll disband them the Fairy Tail way!"

"Fairy Tail disbands guilds?" Meredy asked.

"What way is that?" Ultear whispered in my ear.

Jellal looked at me, nodding his head slightly. I could feel some of the tension leave me. 

"The chaotic way!" 


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