Chapter 3

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"So..How is the guild?" Jellal asked.

"Rowdy as usual, how's your fiancee?" I retorted, a little too harshly.

"Erza, I-" he began.

"Don't have a fiancee," I continued, finishing off his sentence.


"It's fine, I really wish you didn't lie to me, but I forgive you," I said, staring at the ground.

Does he not trust me?


"Jellal, do me a favor and shut up."

He nodded and whispered, "But still. I'm really sorry."

" Can you wait here for a minute? I need to go to the guild," I said suddenly.

"Sure," he responded. 

I quickly walked towards the guild and stepped inside.

"Welcome back!" Mira greeted me.

I nodded my head, "I'm about to go to Fairy Hills, can you sign me out?"

She smiled, "Okay! I'll tell Master!"

"Thanks," I said, walking out.

Jellal got up from where he was leaning, "Ready to go?"


We walked the rest of the way in silence.

Tell him..Tell him..Tell him..

Tell him what? Why is it so awkward being with him? It wasn't like this before..

"Meet me here tomorrow morning, for our first mission,"Jellal quickly said before disappearing into the shadows.


Scarlet of Sorcière | jerzaWhere stories live. Discover now