Chapter 7

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I looked at Jellal with surprise.

What just happened?

I nervously glanced at Ultear and Meredy, who were trying their best not to laugh. The awkward silence was beginning to get really unsettling.

"Well then," Shadow said, pushing me into Jellal's arms. "Take your fiancee and follow me."

"Sorry," he muttered.

"It's fine," I said, staring at the ground.

Shadow frowned at us for a moment before saying, "Follow me."

We walked down the stone hallway until he held out his hand and ordered us to stop.

"Here is your dormitory. You will have to follow me around until you can prove our guild you are capable of keeping secrets. I'll meet you in the guild hall tomorrow at 7," the dark haired man said before closing the door.

"Fiancee?" Ultear scoffed.

"You and your lies," Meredy said with an exaggerated sigh. "Erza, you do know that he lied about having a-"

"Yeah, I know," I said.


"Shh!" Jellal whispered. 

"What?" I mouthed.

"Security cameras."

"Ohhh," Meredy whispered, staring at the small black camera embedded in the lamp.

"So are you guys ready to prove the Dark Dragon guild how amazing we are?" Meredy said aloud.

"Try to act a little more...natural," I whispered into her ear. "You're acting like you're reading off a script."

Meredy nodded, "Okay."

I nodded towards the four beds standing in the corner of the room, "We should rest. We have a long day tomorrow.

"I call washing up first!" Ultear quickly said, walking over to the bathroom.

Jellal sat down and took off my cloak.

I came over and sat beside him and whispered, "How long does it take to disband a guild?"

Jellal thought for a moment, "About..two to three days. Or maybe even a week. It depends."

"Have you ever left Fiore for a mission?"

"Yep!" Meredy said proudly. "One time we went to Bosco!"

"Bosco?" I repeated. "I've always wanted to go there.."

"It was pretty fun. Even thought it was really far," Ultear said, coming out of the bathroom. "Maybe you'll be able to go someday."

"We can leave Fiore and travel to Bosco, and Seven, and Sin, and-"

Ultear smiled, "That's a bit too far, Meldy."


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