Chapter 23

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I ran down the street and behind a building, waiting for Jellal to find me.

"This game is fun!" I said cheerfully.

"Erza!" Jellal yelled. "I really don't want to play!"

Jellal doesn't want to play Hide and Seek with me?

Holding back tears, I ran down an alley, searching for someone to play my game.

"Heyyyy," a man slurred, walking up to me and grabbing my wrist. "I'll play with you!"


"So cute," the man mumbled, taking a good look at my face.

"ERZA!" Jellal yelled. His eyes widened, and he ran towards me. "Let go of her!"

"Yay! You both can play!" I said, jumping up and down.

"Erza..we have to go!" Jellal insisted, yanking my wrist out of the mans grip. "It's not safe," he murmured. Turning to the man he spat, "Stay away from her!"

Suddenly I began to feel very drowsy, and could barely keep my eyes open. "J-Jellal..."

"Looks like your sugar rush reached its peak," he chuckled, leading me away from the alley and towards the guild. "You're probably going to be feeling very tired."

"Jellal...Why aren't you with Crime Sorciere?" I mumbled.

"Crap! Ultear and Meredy are probably worried! What time is it?" Jellal cried.

"Like midnight?" I guessed.

He sighed, "I'll have a lot of explaining to do. Let's get you back to your guild, okay?"

"Thank you," I whispered.

He gave me a small smile and walked into the Fairy Tail guild, holding my hand.

"Erza!" the guild shouted.

"What's wrong with her?" Lucy asked.

"She's probably extremely tired," Mira explained. "One of the after effects of a sugar rush."

"What's up Jelly-kun?" Meredy asked, elbowing me.

"Meredy? What are you doing here?" Jellal said.

" were taking forever, so we headed to Fairy Tail to see if you got there safely. Juvia told us you went looking for Erza..a hyper Erza." Ultear said.

"Not my fault I ate too much cake," I muttered. "I was hungry, what do you expect?"

"Can we stay for the night? Please?" Meredy begged. "Master Makarov already gave us rooms to stay in! I'm tired of sleeping in tents! Please? Just one night?"

"I think it's a good idea," Ultear interrupted. "It is midnight after all.."

"Since Master Makarov seems to have already made arrangements, I guess we could stay for a night," Jellal said. "Oh, and is it okay if someone takes Erza to her dormitory? Lucy, maybe?"

"Sure," Lucy said. She gently gripped my arm and led me out the chaotic guild and into the fresh, night air.

"So, Jellal is staying at Fairy Tail!" Lucy whispered, trying to start a conversation with me, which was probably extremely hard to do, me being half asleep and all..

"Only for a night," I told her.

"You must be excited!" she said, walking down the hallway.

"Why?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't try to get me to confess anything. Not that I had anything to confess anyway..

"'Cause he's your best friend!" Lucy squealed.

"Bye Lucy," I said, waving and turning to unlock my door. I quietly shut the door and requipted into my purple Heart Kreuz pajamas.

It's been a long day..

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep..


"WAIT!" Mira yelled, running into Erza's room.

"MIRA!" Erza threatened. "I was about to go to sleep!"

"Sorry, but we never finished discussing your joining Crime Sorciere without permission problem," Mira whispered.

Instantly my eyes shot open and I quickly avoided her questioning gaze. "I'm sorry..The only reason I accepted was to help Jellal..Help him with his new guild, and to help him eventually forgive himself."

"I know," Mira Jane said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "That's why I'm keeping your secret." Smiling mischievously, she added, "And for another reason as well."

I lay back down on my bed, relieved to have the conversation over with.

No one needs to find out about my secret..

"Good night Erza!" Mira said, leaving my room and closing the door behind her.

TO BE CONTINUED (A/N: For real.)

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