Chapter 25

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I watched as neko-Jellal dodged Natsu and Meredy and nimbly jumped up onto the counter beside me.


"Stop chasing me, or I'll claw your eyes out!" Jellal yelled.

"Leave Jellal alone," I commanded.

"You can talk?" Lucy asked Jellal in astonishment.

"Woah, that's creepy!" Natsu declared.

"Jellal is a neko, or in other words, half cat," Levy explained.

Mira nodded, "Jellal can do some cat things and some human things."

"Thanks for explaining," Jellal muttered grumpily. "Now turn me back to normal!"

Mira's grin grew wider, "It's going to have to wear off. You'll be cat for a week!"

Jellal sighed, "I guess being a cat is better then being caught by Lahar."

He jumped off the table and up the stairs, heading to the room where Crime Sorciere was staying. He stopped in front of the door and stared up at it. "Meredy can y-"

"Awwww! Jellal is so kawaii!" Meredy squealed, running up the stairs and attempting to hug the silver cat.

"H-help!" Jellal yelped, running around Meredy and hiding under the table.

"Maybe Jellal should stay with someone for a week," Mira Jane said, smiling sweetly with me.

I will not lose this silent argument!

"You know, someone needs to watch over Jellal. He's a cat!" Mira Jane continued.

I returned the smile and said, "Yes, of course. He can stay with Ultear and Mer-"

"But he obviously doesn't want to be near Meredy, 'cause she keeps on trying to pick him up!" she interrupted.

"He can stay with Laxus!" I decided.

"Excuse me?" Laxus asked. "No way! Anyway, I'm going on a mission."

After glaring daggers at him I quickly added, "How about Natsu?"

"Natsu will stomp on him!"


"Gray will stomp on him as well!"


"Lucy will be too busy!"


"Master is busy also!" Mira Jane said calmly. "How about he stays with you. You're very responsible, aren't you?"

"Um..I don't know.." I whispered.

"Decision made! Jellal will stay with Erza!"

"But..Jellal is a boy!" I blurted out.

"Aye sir! I'm a boy and I'm allowed to go to Fairy Hills!" Happy said.

"Why couldn't you turn me into an exceed?" Jellal complained, staring at Happy. "Why a normal cat..well- a normal, talking cat.

"Fine!" I said angrily. "I'll take care of Jellal!" I motioned for him to follow me out of the guild and onto the sidewalk.

"I'm sorry if I'm a problem," whispered Jellal.

"It's not your fault," I soothed. "You know, you're lucky you can talk!"

"Yeah.." he said.

"Can you eat cat food?" I asked.

"That's gross!" Jellal said.

"Mommy! Look at that cat!" a little girl shrieked. "It doesn't even need a leash!"

"Wow! That's amazing!" the mother said.

"I guess people don't have cats that follow them," I commented.

Jellal nodded, and I noticed he had begun to slow down.

"You tired?" I asked. He nodded, and I bent down to pick up the cat. He was pretty light..and really fluffy!

I entered my room in Fairy Hills and gently set him down on my bed. "You can sleep here," I murmured. Seeing the puzzled look in his eyes I reminded him, "You're a cat."

I think I'll have to remind myself that as well...


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