Chapter 26

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His eyes widened as he realized he was curled up next to my stomach in an..awkward position. Jellal quietly moved away and padded to the side of my bed where he sat down and watch me sleep.

Crap..I'm acting like Edward Cullen..

(A/N: *cough* Twilight *cough*)

He walked up to me and rubbed his cheek against mine.

Did I seriously do that?

"Jellal?" I groaned, slowly moving into a sitting position.

"Sorry," he muttered.

I gave him a small smile. "It's fine." I reached out to pet his silver fur, and he couldn't help but purr.

I bit my lip, trying not to laugh.

"It's not my fault I'm a cat," he mumbled.

I patted his head and slid out of bed, "Requipt: Heart Kreuz Armor!" Turning to him, I asked, "You hungry?"

He nodded and followed me into my kitchen.

Neko-Jellal shuddered, If one of those plates fall on me, I'm dead..

"Are you craving cat food?" I teased.

"No thanks," he said quickly.

"Hmm..cake?" I asked.

Jellal smiled to himself, That's probably all she has, strawberry cake!

"Sure," he agreed. He watched as I cut a small piece of cake and put it on a plate. Jellal couldn't help but stare at my face, all scrunched up in concentration.


"Jellal," I said, snapping me back to reality. "Here." I set down the pastry beside him on the table.

"How do I eat it?" he asked.

"You lean in and take a bite," I responded.

Jellal hesitantly leaned in and took a bite. He jumped backwards with a hiss and pawed his nose.

"F-frosting," he stammered, trying not to sneeze.

"Can't you lick it off?" I inquired, eyebrows raised with curiosity.

"Erzaaa," he groaned.

I quickly got a napkin and gently wiped the frosting off.

"Thanks," he whispered.

"Maybe.." I began to say.


"Never mind!"

"Tell me!" he begged.

"Well.." I murmured, turning a little pink. "I could feed you.."

Thank god cats can't blush!

~ ~ ~

"So, did you have a good breakfast?" Mira asked, handing Lucy a strawberry smoothie.

"Y-yeah," Jellal mumbled, tail twitching with embarrassment. 

"That's nice!" Mira said, smiling.

"Come here, Sapphire!" Meredy cooed, trying to pick me up.

"Yeah! Come and fight me!" Natsu commanded.

"That's enough, Meredy," Ultear whispered firmly.

"Brats!" Master Makarov yelled. "Leave Jellal alone! He is the guild master of Crime Sorciere, therefore he has the rights to punish you!"

"Kya!" Meredy squealed, moving away.

Natsu on the other hand chose to argue,"What can he d-"


"Oww," Natsu moaned, grabbing the side of his head. "What was that for, Erza?"

Jellal silently locked eyes with me, Thank you..

"I need to polish my armor," I said, bending down to pick the cat up. "I'll be back."

"Take your time," Lisanna and Mira Jane whispered in unison.

Jellal and I exchanged looks, This is going to be an interesting week..


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