Chapter 20

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I turned away from the prize counter with my plastic necklace, and joined Ultear and Meredy outside.

That starwberry cake plush was kind of cute..Oh well!

"So..Erza," Ultear said. "How do you like our guild?"

"I really hoped you liked our mission!" Meredy bursted out. "Even though we don't have a guild hall!"

"And we have an idiot for guild master," Ultear added mischievously.

"I enjoyed my time with you," I laughed. "Maybe you can visit Fairy Tail sometime!"

"Yes! Then I can visit Juvia-chan!" Meredy exclaimed.

"That would be nice," Ultear replied.

"I'd better drop off Erza now," Jellal said, motioning for me to follow him.

"Awww," Meredy groaned, "Can she stay for dinner?"

"I'm pretty sure Erza wants to eat dinner with her guild mates," Jellal said softly.

"But we are her guild mates!" Meredy protested.

"Her other guild mates."

"Bye!" I said, waving. Not wanting to cause an argument, I got up from the bench and followed Jellal outside. This time, we didn't go through the church. Thankfully.

"I hope you..had fun," Jellal said, putting on his mask. It seemed like his tattoo was reappearing. How convenient!

"I had lots of fun. I got to know Meredy and Ultear a lot better," I told him. Blushing slightly, I added, "And I got to spend more time with you."

He didn't reply, but I could see the corners of his mask move upwards slightly. We continued walking in silence, until we approached the doors of the guild hall.

"Erza," he whispered, handing me a small plushie. "I got you this."

It's that strawberry cake toy I wanted..

"Th-thank you so much Jellal!" I whispered back, pulling him into a hug. A this point, I didn't care if he was embarrassed or not. He had done so much for me!

"I'll see you soon," he said, gently pulling away from my embrace.

I watched him walk into the sunset, (A/N: How romantic! ;) ) and turned towards the door of my guild. My other guild. Slowly I opened it, and stepped in.

"Erza!!" the guild cried.

"I'm back from my..S Class mission!" I said, my smile fading.

I have to give that dreaded explanation to Mira..

"Hey Erza!" Lucy said.

"Have Natsu and Gray been behaving?" she asked.

"Aye sir!" Natsu interrupted, hugging Gray.

"We've been the best of friends!" Gray added.

Nodding with approval, I turned away.

"Erza-san! Juvia has missed you!" Juvia said, smiling.

"Hi Juvia! Have you gone on any missions with Team Natsu yet?" I asked.

"Yes! Juvia had so much fun! Juvia is wondering.." she asked, her eyes full of worry.

"No, I don't regret anything!" I said quickly.

If only she knew..

"Don't worry about!" I said smiling. "My mission was-"

"Loads of fun, right?" Mira interrupted.


"Erza and I are going to have a little chat, okay Juvia? We'll be right back.." Mira Jane said, smiling sweetly.

"Yeah," I said weakly.

This is going to be one..interesting chat..


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