Chapter 30

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(A/N: This chapter is dedicated to minmin_eucliffe for giving me the idea. And to RitaGrc and Acnologia-chan for supporting the idea!)

Erza POV

"Jellal?" I asked with concern. "Are you okay?"

"My fur," he mumbled. "Has dirt in it!"

"Lick it off," I suggested, grinning.

"That's disgusting!" he groaned. "I'd rather have dirty fur!"

"Well your going to have to have a bath," Erza said, picking him up.

"A b-bath?" he asked, his eyes wide.

"Yeah," I said.

Wait a second..Does that mean I have to give him the bath?"

"It'll be fine," I murmured aloud. "It's just your fur, right?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "My back is becoming really itchy."

We entered the bathroom and I began to fill the tub with warm water.

"Jellal, is this enough water?" I asked. "Is two inches enough water for you?"

No reply.


Still no reply.

Turning around in frustration, I opened my mouth to lecture him, but instead began gape at Jellal.


"JELLAL" I yelled, trying to get his attention. "What are you..doing?"

Jellal whipped around and shuffled his paws nervously. If he wasn't a cat, I swear he would be blushing.

"N-nothing," he said, quickly backing away.

"You were staring at somethi-"

I frowned, squinting to get a better look at the lacy cloth peaking out of my drawer.

Is that my..


"I-it w-was an a-accident!" he whined, walking back to the bathtub. Jellal hopped on to the ledge and peered in.

"Do I have to go in that water?" he asked timidly, trying to change the conversation.

Still blushing, I shrugged, "You either get wet, or I try to brush the dirt out of your fur."

"Whatever's easier," he said, sitting down and staring at me.

I pulled open my drawer and got out my blue plastic bush. (A/N: *cough* like the one thrown at Kronos in Percy Jackson *cough*)

I kneeled in front of him and gently brushed his fur.

"Purrrrrr," he purred, causing me to blush harder and him to bow his head in embarrassment.

Why are things always so awkward between us? Get a grip on yourself Titania!

"Is that better?" I asked, giving his fur a last brush.

"Yeah, th-KYAA!" he squeaked, following into the tub with a splash.

I covered my mouth, trying my best to smother my laughter.

"ERZA!" Jellal grumbled, trying desperately to jump out. "I fall into a tub full of water and you start laughing at me?"

"S-sorry!" I laughed. "H-here, let me h-help y-pfft hahahaha!"

"Some friend you are," he muttered, cracking a small smile.

I picked up the half-drowned neko and sat him down on the ground. Grabbing a towel, I began to dry him.

"T-thanks," he sniffled. "Achoo!"

"I hope you don't get the cold," I whispered. "It's my fault."

"No it's not," Jellal reassured me, rubbing up against my leg. "I'm the one who slipped.

"I shouldn't have laughed.."

"It was pretty funny," he chuckled. Yawning he murmured, "Can I go to sleep now?"


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