Chapter 15

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It was getting late, and Meredy, Ultear, Jellal, and I were all sitting around a fire lacrima, talking. At least everyone besides Jellal was talking..

"So, how's Fairy Tail?" Ultear asked.

"Chaotic as usual," I said with a grin.

"How are Juvia and Gray?" Meredy asked.

"They're fine. They're now dating."

"How about Natsu and Lucy?" Ultear asked.

"They're also dating."

"Gajeel and Levy?" Meredy added.

"Um..Dating.." I said slowly, shifting in her chair. God, this conversation was uncomfortable.

"Let's talk about something else," Jellal quietly suggested. Ultear raised an eyebrow.

"Let's play a game!" Meredy announced.

"It better not be the Pocky Game," I said sternly. "I don't like pocky. Strawberry pocky is good though.."

"Let's not do Truth or Dare. That game is pretty lame," Ultear added.

"Fine!" Meredy said, crossing her arms. "I know! Let's play 'Tell Meredy Some Embarrassing Secrets'!"

Jellal complained, "That's not a game!"

"Yes it is!" she said stubbornly. "You tell me something first, Ul!"

Ultear grimaced. "Ugh..Let me think..Can I say something embarrassing that's not about me?"

"Like..about someone else?" Meredy asked. "Sure!"

Ultear grinned, "Jellal snores!"

Jellal groaned. "I do not!"

I laughed, "Yes you do!"

Ultear and Meredy immediately stopped laughing. "How do you know Jellal snores?"

I blushed. "Well..I-Um..Used to sleep with him when I was little.."

"The circumstances were different then!" Jellal protested, trying to defend himself. "Let me remind you, we were in the Tower of Heaven!"

"Next is you, Jelly-kun!" Meredy said smiling.

Jellal smiled mischiveously, "When Erza was little, she called me-"

"Shhhh!" I said, trying to desperately shush me. I quickly covered his mouth with my hand.

Jellal pried my hand off of his mouth, and told them, "She used to call me Je-chan!"

I backed away, and stared at the ground. So much for being the tough Titania.

"Awww! So cute!" Ultear crooned.

"Hmph!" I said, standing up, a small blush on my face.

Jellal though to himself, "She's blushing? I made Erza..blush? No! Forget it! Stop it Jellal! Focus on atoning!" 

"Ever wonder why Jellal has a huge collar on all of his clothes?" I asked.

"Ooooh, this is going to be good," Meredy smiled. "Tell me!"

"Please don't tell them! Please Erza! I'll buy you a cake!" Jellal pleaded telepathically.

"Sorry Jellal. This is my revenge!"

"I'm your guild master!"

"You're also my annoying friend!"

"He wears it because-" I began to say.

"I need to be excused," Jellal said, trying to keep his face expressionless. He calmly walked to his tent.

"Because he's ticklish on his neck!"


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