Chapter 13

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"Let's go find the master," Jellal told me, helping me up from the ground. I hesitantly took his hand and quickly wiped away the remaining tears.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I don't know why I've been crying lately."

Jellal sighed. "It's not your fault."

"I hope Meredy and Ultear are okay." I said, as we started running through the trees.

"I'm sure their fine," he reassured me.

We continued running in silence, until he held out his hand, signaling for me to stop.

"I feel his presence here," Jellal told me.

I raised my eyebrows, "Care to explain how 'you can feel' his presence?"

Jellal shrugged and said modestly, "I've been tracking dark guilds for seven years."

I nodded, "That makes sense. I keep forgetting."

"Ah, who do we have here?" an eerie voice asked.

It's that creepy master dude!

"Oh? Sapphire and his fiancee-" he broke off.

"She's not my- OW!" Jellal yelled. He turned to me.

I coughed, "Disguise, remember? Whether you like it or not."

Jellal shook his head, a smile spreading across his face. He let the man continue with his rambling.

"So, I'll just be taking Erza- I mean 'Knightwalker', away for a little bit..She could be usef-"

"SHUT UP!" he yelled, all signs of amusement gone. "Heavenly Arrows!"

The dark mage easily side-stepped my attack.

"Dark Arrows!" the dark guild master shouted.

"Heavenly Palm!" Jellal commanded, protecting himself.

"Darkly Palm!" he commanded. (A/N: Yeah, I know. "Darkly" Seriously? XD)

"Requipt: Flight Armor!" I said, getting in front of him.

I know he's taller then me. By a lot. And he's older. But that doesn't keep me from always wanting to protect him.

I owe Jellal.

He was, after all, the boy who taught me what freedom meant. 

He was the one who taught me to keep fighting.

"Sonic Claw!" I said, running forward.

Once again, the dark mage side-stepped it. I'm sure Jellal could tell I looked frustrated- my Flight Armor was one of my fastest.

"Erza!" he whispered. I turned around and looked at him. "Let's show him that attack we practiced!"

"Unison Raid?" I asked.

"Yes," Jellal confirmed, motioning for me to come towards him. We stood side by side and entwined our hands together.

I wasn't used to him being so close to me.

"Requipt: Heavens Wheel Armor!" I shouted. 

He looked at me, "Ready?" I nodded.

"Heavenly Swords!" we yelled together

This had better work...

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