Chapter 27

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"Be careful," I warned Jellal. "I don't want you getting sliced up."

"Okay," he said, backing away from the weapons I had laid out on the ground.

"Maybe it was a bad idea," I said. "You could get hurt."

"No, it's fine," he said quickly, nervously backing up from my sword and landing in my lap.

I froze, trying my hardest to conceal my blush.

Jellal is sitting in my lap..Jellal is sitting in my lap..Jellal is sitting in my lap..Jellal is sitting in my lap..Jellal is sitting in my lap..Jellal is sitting in my lap..

"Uh..Sorry," he said, attempting (and failing) to crawl out of my lap.

"It's fine, you can stay there," I blurted out. Realizing what I had said, I added, "You'll have less of a risk of getting hurt. And cats sit on peoples laps all the time, right?"

Jellal blinked gratefully at me and curled up in my lap.

I gently patted his head and carefully reached out for my first weapon, and began to slowly polish it.

Suddenly Jellal leaped out of my lap and began to walk towards the wall.

"Is..something wrong?" I asked, a little disappointed he was no longer keeping my lap warm. Just a little bit. (A/N: I seem to be talking a lot about 'laps'...)

"I saw something," he muttered.

"What did you see?" I asked, placing the sword on the ground.

"There it is!" he yelped. "It moved."

He sees the reflection of the light against my sword..

I smirked and picked up my polished sword. I slowly tilted it to the right.

"It moved again!" Jellal squeaked, lifting up his paw.

Seems like his cat instincts are kicking in..

I slowly moved the light lower and lower, until it stopped right above his paw.

"I got this.." he whispered. Quick as a flash, his fore paw darted out and clawed the wall.

Kawaii! <3

"I got it!" he complained. "But its still there!"

Picking up another sword, I aimed the light on to the ceiling.

"Look," I told him. "Two of them!"

"It can fly," he said looking up at the ceiling glumly. "Now what? I know! Heavenly Body Magic: Meteor!"

Nothing happened.

His head drooped and he sat down with a sigh, "This is stupid."

"You were very brave," I murmured, stifling a laugh.

"I have no idea what made me do that," he said, full of embarrassment.

"You make a cute cat," I said, beginning to polish my spear.

He paused before saying, "Thanks."

I couldn't tell whether he was being sarcastic or not.


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