Chapter 2

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"J-join Crime Sorciere?" I asked, staring at Jellal. "I'd love to but- what about Fairy Tail?"

"It's totally up to you," Jellal told me. "I personally don't want a person who walks in the light to join a guild that is atoning, but we are in need of people to join."

"Also, we don't follow that one guild per person rule, we are an independent for a reason," Ultear added.

"So I can be in both guilds? How is that going to work out?" I asked.

"Well, since you left Team Natsu and told them you'll be going on S Class missions, you can come on missions with Crime Sorciere instead," Jellal said, looking up at me.

"How do you know I told them that?" I asked, my hands on my hips. "Was that on the news also?"

Jellal's serious expression immediately left his face, "I..have my ways."

"So, are you joining?" Ultear asked.

"Yes, of course!" I said. 



Meredy and Ultear exchanged looks. "Blue huh? Reminds me of a certain mage I know.."

"I only wanted it to match my Fairy Tail stamp-" I began.

"Oh? That's blue also?" Meredy snickered.

"Be quiet!"


"This is a nice cafe," I complimented. "The cake is really good!"

"It opened up a couple years ago, during your time skip," Ultear explained.

"I'll pay," Jellal said, getting up from the table.

"Is that safe?" I immediately asked.

He gave me an amused look, "Don't worry. It'll be fine."

"So.." I said, turning to Meredy. "What did you guys do, while I was 'asleep' for seven years?"

"Well, we talked about you," Meredy began. "And the rest of Fairy Tail. You know..we tried to come up with theories..We knew you couldn't just disappear.."


The pink haired mage deepened her voice, attempting to imitate Jellal, "I know she isn't dead, I can just feel it! I'm pretty sure Erza and the rest of Fairy Tail will come back soon-"

I raised an eyebrow, "Yeah right.."

Ultear shook her head with amusement, "Maybe your exaggerating a little too much, Meldy."

Meredy, Ultear, Jellal, and I walked out of the cafe discussing when and where we would meet for our next mission.

"How about tomorrow at ten. Jellal can pick you up in front of Fairy Hills." Ultear suggested.

I nodded, "Where will you guys be?"

"At the Magnolia Train station." Meredy answered.


"Then it's settled. See you tomorrow!" I said, turning to leave.

"Wait!" Jellal called out.

"I'll escort you back to the guild."

I smiled, "Thank you."


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