Chapter 14

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Day 4 out of 5

We can do this, Jellal..Our Unison Raid..It will work!

"Heavenly Swords!" we shouted.

I closed my eyes, feeling my body glow a bright purple. Jellal gripped my hand tighter.

It's working!

I opened my eyes, just in time to see my swords encased with Jellal's Heavenly Body Magic flying at the 'master'.

The man's eyes widened, as he flew backwards. "You can fight me all you want," he whispered. "But I have faith in Storm..Your companion's will die..You will tire yourself out, and I shall take Erza."

Jellal stepped forward and punched him in the face, "It's not over until I say so!"

I patted Jellal on the back. "Nice job! You take after me..I'm so proud!" Jellal smiled at me.

He's so cute when he smiles..It's nice to see him happy!

The man got up on his knees, an orange orb of glass in his hands.

"What's that?" I asked, snatching it from his hands and setting it down in front of me.

Jellal whispered,"Maybe we shouldn't touch it-"

Without hesitating, I touched it once again and held it in my armored hands.

"-or you know, just go ahead and touch it. Why not? I mean-"

"He's distracting us!" I whispered back, crushing the glass orb.

"Whatever you say," the man said, struggling to get up. "I assure you- I will win. I will take Erza and rip that red hair-OW!"

"WHEN WILL YOU GET IT RIGHT!" Jellal screamed. I blinked in confusion.

This is very..unJellal-y..


I smiled. Is he that protective of my hair color?

Jellal lifted his fight hand into the air. "Heavenly Body Magic: Sema!"

The sky turned into a darker purple, the clouds swirling high in the air. He slowly lowered his right hand, and the clouds swirled around his enemy.

"I won't tolerate someone who calls Erza's hair 'red,'" he muttered under his breath.

The man began to shriek in pain, thought I was unable to see him, due to my companions magic.

Eventually, the magic began to go away, and I could barely make out the dark mage. Actually, he was nowhere to be seen..

"Jellal?" I said, turning to the blue haired man.


"He escaped." I whispered.

Jellal shook his head. "No, I think he fled."

"So..Did we..disband the guild?" I asked, confused.

He chuckled, and patted my head like I was some sort of little kid. "Yes, we did."

"Ultear!" I shouted, remembering the past events. "And Meredy!"

"We're fine! Did you defeat the master, because Storm and Wind's guild mark disappeared," Ultear asked telepathically.

"Yeah, we did. Good job all of you," Jellal said.

"And we finished a day early, so Erza can celebrate with us! She can, right?" Meredy asked eagerly.

"Of course, she's a guild member of Crime Sorciere."

"Jelly-kuuuun!!!" Meredy shouted, running through the woods with Ultear, and stopping beside us. "Erzaaaa!!

"You're okay!" I said, relieved.

"Of course," Ultear assured me.

"Where are we going to stay? Not those terrible tents!" Meredy wailed.

Jellal nodded solemnly, "Yes, as a matter of fact. We will be camping here."

"Here? As in right here?" Ultear asked. "Is that safe from the council?"

"Yes," Jellal said. "Ultear, Meredy will you set the tents?"

"Sure, and by the way Erza-"

"Yes, I am clearly aware we only have two tents. Erza will be staying with me," he said looking away.

"Good, glad that's all cleared up," Ultear said, magically making two small, blue tents appear out of thin air.

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