Chapter 32

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Erza POV

I woke to find myself safely wrapped in Jellals arms.

"Jellal?" I mumbled. "You're back to normal?"

"Huh?" he asked, getting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Meredy and Ultear will be relieved," I whispered. "It's about time you turned back to normal."

He was a pretty cute cat..

"S-sorry," Jellal muttered, getting out of my bed. He studied himself in the mirror, "Thank god I transformed with clothes on.."

Oh god..

A stream of naughty thoughts began to flood through my mind, causing me to blush a deep red.

"Are you okay?" he asked with concern.

"I-I'm fine!" I said a little too quickly. Standing beside him I said, "We'd better go." He nodded and we headed to the guild hall.

"Aww," Meredy cried. "I miss my poor neko-Jellal!"

"I'm glad the potion wore off," Mira said smiling. She glared at me discreetly.

"Come fight me!" Natsu demanded.

"Not right now," I said, stepping in front of him. "He and the rest of Crime Sorciere need to get going."

"That's right," Ultear agreed. "Thank you, Master Makarov. Thank you everyone!"

"Thanks Erza," Jellal whispered. "It must have been hard looking after me."

I shrugged, "It wasn't that hard.."

"Bye guys!" Meredy said waving. Jellal smiled at me and exited the guild.

"I hope you guys had fun," Ultear whispered on her way out.

Jellal POV

"It feels good to be human again!" I announced.

"Ugh..Now we have to do actual work.." Meredy grumbled. "Being a Fairy Tail member must be so much fun!"

"Yeah..Except for their master. He must pay a lot of money, considering all that damage they cause!" Ultear joked.

"But still..Now we have to go back to disbanding guilds.."

"Consider that your break," I said.

"Erza didn't have much of a break," Ultear commented. "You should get her a thank you gift."

"I told her 'thank you,'" I argued.

"You need to do something more!" Meredy chimed in.

I stayed silent.

"Where should we set up camp?" Ultear asked.

"In the woods," Meredy said.

"I mean where in the woods," Ultear asked.

Meredy thought for a moment, "Anywhere. I'm really tired. I stayed up really last night watching movies with Juvia, Levy, and Lucy."

"What?!" Ultear pouted. "And you guys didn't invite me?"

"You were too busy trying to get Mira Jane confess to Laxus!" she retorted.

"I did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Anyway, what did you do?" Meredy asked.

"I ate, talked, and slept," I said, glad they had stopped arguing.

I also talked to her in her sleep, slept in Erza's bed, and 'accidentally' looked at her lingerie.

"How boring," Meredy and Ultear groaned. "Get a life.."

"I'll set up camp," Ultear said as we entered the dark woods. "Meredy, gather some wood. Jellal, go fill this bottle up with water."


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