Chapter 18

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Day 5 out of 5

"Did you have a good night's sleep?" Ultear asked, sitting down beside Meredy.

I blushed remembering last nights conversation. "Y-yeah.."

I hope they didn't hear. That would be really embarrassing!

"Ooh! I know! We can go to Chuck-E-Cheese!" Meredy decided, jumping up from her chair.

I almost forgot! Today is the last day of our mission!

"Shouldn't we let Erza decide?" Ultear asked, looking over at me.

"Chuck-E-Cheese is fine with me," I said grinning. " to do three wanted fugitives go to a famous arcade-"

"We disguise of course!" Meredy interrupted, "Ul and I can transform into different people, unfortunately Jellal-kun can't.."

"That tattoo just won't go away!" Ultear bursted out. "Then we have to go and buy all sorts of stupid masks for him and it costs way too much! And it's really suspicious!"

"It is fun shopping, though.." Meredy giggled. "And we finally found a temporary tattoo eraser. It's really convenient!"

"What's Chuck-E-Cheese?" Jellal asked, emerging from his tent, completely confused.

"Whaa?"Meredy pouted. "How can you not know what Chuck-E-Cheese is?"

"Where have you been living, under a rock?" Ultear asked.

"More like in the Tower of Heaven, possessed by Zeref, in jail, and then on the run. And I'm pretty sure Lahar didn't mention any Chuck-E-Cheese to me." he retorted.

Wow, has that much happened since we were kids?

"Let's go!" Meredy insisted, transforming. "See, Erza? My hair is black now! Transforming is cool!"

"Yeah, that's cool." I said.

"I think your hair is fine already, Erza," Jellal muttered.

I shook my head in amusement. What is it with Jellal and my scarlet hair?

"Jellal, put that liquid on your face so we can go," Ultear (now blond haired after the transformation) said.

"Okay.." Jellal said sighing. Ultear quickly folded up the tents and chairs, and handed Jellal the green vial.

He looks weird without his tattoo..I didn't realize I liked it so much.

"Let's go, Mr. Guild-Master!" Meredy laughed, running through the woods, closely flanked by Ultear, Jellal, and me.

"You still didn't answer my question," Jellal said. "What is Chuck-E-Cheese?"

"You'll find out!" Meredy responded.

"Is that" I asked. "Why are we going through a church?"

"I don't know, ask Ul," Meredy said.

"Because I felt the need to go through here," Ultear cut in.

"Why? Are you praying you don't get caught?" I asked. She didn't respond.

"I'm going to go up ahead," Jellal whispered to me. I nodded, relieved he felt as uneasy as me.

Ultear and Meredy are up to something..

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