Chapter 40

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Jellal POV

"We're free!" Meredy sang. "We're free! "We're free!"

Even Ultear was smiling broadly, eager to get out of prison.

"We are going to join Fairy Tail, right?" Meredy asked.

"If Master Makarov lets us," I said.

"I can't wait to go on a mission with Juvia-chan!" Meredy exclaimed.

It sure is going to be different joining Fairy Tail...

Suddenly Lahar appeared at the enterance, "It's time."

We stepped out of the prison cell for the last time. (Hopefully)

"You better be good, Fernandes," Lahar whispered.

"Oh don't worry," Master said from behind me. "He will be. I already owe more then 1,000,000 jewels to Ryuuzetsu Land. And that's after I paid half the amount."

Meredy giggled, "Don't worry, we'll be good!"

Erza appeared behind me, "So your finally free, huh?"

"Yeah," I whispered.

"Here," Lahar said, handing Erza key.

"What..?" she began. She glanced at our handcuffs, "Ohh..!"

She gave me a teasing smiled and walked over to unlock Meredy's handcuffs. Then Ultear's. After what seemed like an hour, she walked over to me and jammed the key into the lock. And finally, I was free.

Gran Doma stood up and began to talk, letting us know that the Magic Council was keeping a close eye on us. He sat down and motioned for us to leave with Fairy Tail.

I stepped out of the building and vowed never to go back inside that prison again.

"Do you want to go on a mission later?" she asked.

"With Team Natsu?"

She shook her head, "No, with just me."

Mira Jane gave her a strange look and Erza quickly added, "I don't want Natsu to destroy the town and you have to pay for it."

I nodded with agreement, "Sure."

"What's going to happen to Crime Sorciere?" Ultear asked.

I paused, "Crime Sorciere will be disbanded."

"Our own guild?" Meredy squeaked.

"Yeah. We can disband dark guilds with Fairy Tail."

"Sounds good."

"Ultear, Meredy, Jellal," Mira called. "Come here and get your guild marks."

"Wait!" Erza whispered, touching my arm.

"What's wrong?"

She grinned mischievously, "You do know that you owe me a wagonload of cake, right?"


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