Chapter 22

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(A/N: I really don't like the number 22..Okay that was random..Anyway, on with the chapter!)

(A/N: Gomenesai!!! :( This is a short chapter! I'm just reeeeeaaaallllyyyy busy!)

(A/N: Sorry for all the A/N's above)

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"Erza?" Jellal hissed, searching the town. 

He was trying to be as quiet as possible in fear of being found. It was a very difficult task, especially when looking for someone.

"Hey, did you find Erza yet?" Natsu asked.

"Um..I just started looking," Jellal said, trying not to laugh at his..stupidity.

"Oh, okay!" he said. "Oi, Ice Princess! I'm going to find Erza first!"

"Really?" Gray asked. "I'll find her first, Flame Brain.

"I'll beat you both," the blue-haired man murmured to himself.

Natsu and Gray both ran off in opposite directions, both hoping to find Erza first.

"Heyyyy Je-chaaaann," I giggled. Jellal looked sooooo cute!

"Are you drunk?" Silence. "Erza? Where are you?" he asked, looking around.

"Up here!" I laughed.

I saw him look up at me with wide eyes. Oh those eyes.. So dreamyyyy!

"Come down!" Jellal protested.



"Let's play a game!" I said, smiling childishly.

"What game?" he asked.

"Rock, Paper, Scissor, Shoot!"


"I always lose," I pouted. "But maybe I'll be able to beat you!"

"She thinks I'm easy to beat, huh.." I head him whisper. He was a very loud whisperer. Age had not changed that.

Pride hurt (A/N: Yes, despite all of his 'atoning for sins', Jellal actually has an ego to defend), he managed to say, "Fine!"

"Yay! Okay! Let's play! Rock, Paper, Scissor, Shoot!" I chanted, my hand forming the shape of a rock. Unfortunately, I had done scissors..

"I haven't played in a while," he muttered, looking at his hands with annoyance. "...Maybe I should stop making excuses."

"Yeah, you should!" I agreed, smiling brightly. I felt funny- like a million feathers were tickling my insides. I sneezed.

Jellal coughed awkwardly, "It's almost midnight..I need to take you back to your guild."

"Why should I go with you?" I asked, smiling widely.

For some reason, my smile made him frown.

"Because.." he stuttered. "I'm your guild master!" Jellal hastily added.

"But at the moment, I'm part of Fairy Tail!" I retorted. "But since your my best friend, I'll listen!"

"Thank god," Jellal breathed.

"You gotta catch me first!" I said, smirking. I quickly slid down the tree and quickly made my way towards the guild hall.

"Erza," Jellal groaned dejectedly.

A criminal chasing a hyper Erza down the street at night..This is going to be harder then I thought!


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