Chapter 10

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It is the next day and Tom is pacing around the living room of his apartment while Luke lays back, comfortably reclined on the sofa as he skims through his emails on his smart phone. Yesterday, after the journal reading event, Tom began to feel wary of his relationship with Jessica. Now that he knows that as a fifteen year old girl she had a crush on him it makes him wonder if anything has changed in the seven years. He, of course, has told Luke everything due to him being his publicist but for once Luke has no helpful advice. Sick of the pacing the publicist speaks up, “So what did she say about you exactly?” He asks with a bored look on his face. Tom fumbles around on the coffee table and opens the journal for the last entry before clearing his throat in a dramatic style.

“She said, ‘I am so glad I won seeing I trained so hard! But that is not the main topic of this entry today. The main topic has to be the good-looking, hilarious commentator. Tom his name was (I asked my trainer) and he was just so dreamy…’ What do I do?” He panics and Luke starts to laugh.

“She found you hilarious!” He laughs and sits up straight ready for whatever remark Tom has to throw at him next. He is used to Tom and can almost predict what he is going to say next.

“That shouldn’t be the bit you are focussing on.”

“Hey!” Luke exclaims, “Just because I am gay doesn’t mean I should find you good looking and erm…dreamy?” He giggles making Tom sigh deeply.

“What has happened to you Luke?!” Tom yells obviously now quite agitated. “Ever since you have been ‘friends’ with Leo you have been so laid back and I don’t like it.” The latch on the front door rattles and turns prior to the door being swung open by Leo and Jessica looking quite content and glad of each other’s company. They stop their conversing and look at the sight in front of them; Tom is leaning in a condensing way over Luke who is smirking at the actor.

“What’s happening here?” Jessie asks while looking quite concerned. She sees the vibrant blue journal in Tom’s hands and is beginning to wonder what he has found in it. She knows what she used to be like and some of the stuff written in there is not for public view.

“Nothing.” Tom states as he places the diary back on the table, “Luke was just leaving.”

“Was I?” Luke questions, “Because I am pretty sure I am Leo’s ride.” Jessica’s mind begins to race, is something wrong? She hears her brother chuckle under his breath beside her and can see the stress lines forming on Tom’s forehead. Is this all because of her?

“Don’t worry Tom.” Leo expresses, “I will take troublemaker Windsor home.” Luke rises from the sofa and walks towards the door. Leo leans down to his sister and gently kisses her on the top of her head, “See you soon Jess.” He smiles and she returns it before the pair depart. Leaving her and Tom alone. Silence falls. Hating the quiet, Jessica wheels her way towards Tom with a look of apprehension etched onto her face. He peers at his feet shamefully and shifts awkwardly from one foot to the other.

“Have you been reading my journal?” She asks, her eyes flicker from Tom to the journal on the table.

“No no!” He waves his hands about like a mad man in panic. “I was just showing Luke the funny entry we read last night.” He assures, “And he is being a total prick.”

“Woah Tom.” She stops him, “He has helped you numerous times over the years. I could never call you a prick because you have helped me so don’t forget that about him.” Tom looks down at Jessica in awe of her wise words. He had never thought of the girl he saved as an intellectual, astute woman before but now he sees her differently. More like a woman than a girl. Realising that he has been staring, Tom takes a step back and clears his throat.

“Jessica I think we need to talk about the future.” Jessie feels taken aback by his sudden abruptness and wheels back to her spot next to the sofa before signalling him to sit with her eyes. Partially ignoring her, Tom takes a seat but not on the sofa but in the armchair sitting opposite her. “I am thirty four now…geez I am getting old.” He mutters the last bit to himself. “This is about your journal I-”

“Wait Tom.” She has a pleading tone to her voice, “I did some stuff in my teens which I am not proud off but that does not give you the right to read it.” She explains and Tom looks at her blankly.

“I wasn’t talking about whatever that is.” He rushes, “I mean now I am interested to know what you were just talking about but that is not my point.” He rubs his eyes before continuing, “I am thirty four years old and you are twenty two…that is twelve years difference. I know they say age does not matter but I am in the public eye and-”


“I don’t think it is a-”


“Good idea and especially in your-”

“Thomas William Hiddleston!” She shouts at him to gain his attention which he gives her, “You have an interview in twenty minutes.” He jumps up out of the armchair and rushes towards the door.

“Oh my! Thank you so much Jessie!” He thanks her repeatedly before he finally makes it out of the door.

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