Chapter 39

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It is an early start for Jessica this morning as she has work, so she gets dressed into her uniform and stuffs her apron along with other essential items (phone, money, keys etc.) into her bag. She sighs when she notices her reflection in the tall mirror, she looks tired; she is tired. The truth is that the wedding plans are getting nowhere, the only thing organised is the dress not even the venue because the booking fell through due to some incompetent registrar who doubled booked. Also, the relationship with Tom's father is still not going well and even Tom is becoming annoyed at his immature antics. Jessie wanders out of the bedroom and sees Tom sitting on the sofa with hit knee propped up while balancing a hefty looking script on it as he holds a mug of tea in his right hand. "Tom..." The actor looks up from his script revealing he is wearing his thick framed glasses which make him look even better looking than usual.

"Yes dear J?" He smiles.

"I was thinking...about the wedding." She watches his face fall in worry. "We are getting no where with the planning which got me thinking. All that matters to me is that we get married and have the rest of our lives together, I'm not sure about the need for some fancy service followed by a fancy dinner then reception."

"So you want a small wedding?" Tom confirms.

"Well, I want us to be together forever and our friends to witness that happen. Our close friends." She pauses for a moment, "Obviously it is not just about me and I know that you have some visions of what our wedding should be like but as long as we are together, isn't that all that matters?" The question lingers in the air and although Tom doesn't answer, he silently agrees with his soft facial expressions. "Anyway, see you later." She shrugs her bag onto her shoulder and turns to leave.

"Wait!" She pauses, "Do you need a lift?" He sweetly asks.

"No that's okay. Someone from work is picking me up." She walks towards her fiancé's relaxed figure and leans down to plant a gentle kiss on his lips which he accepts warmly. "See you later." She straightens up and walks out of the door shutting it behind her leaving Tom to his loud thoughts.


Tom paces around the apartment anxiously ignoring Blue's instructions to shut up because it is becoming irritating. His breath hitches in his throat when he hears the front door open, he strides toward it and sees his beautiful fiancé dumping her bag on the floor before shutting the door. When she turns she is confused to see Tom lingering so quietly while dressed so smartly. "Tom...why are you dressed like that?" She furrows her brow as she signals to the three piece suit he is wearing with a shiny tie. "Have you got some awards dinner which I have forgotten about?"

"No J..." He chuckles nervously, "I have something much more important than that." He rubs his hands together awkwardly. "Our wedding." Jessie gasps in shock with tears in her eyes, she cannot believe it.

"Oh my... Tom." She is speechless that he has organised all this in a mere five or so hours.

"Blue is in the bedroom with your dress - which I haven't seen - and some make up to make you look like a princess and Felix will be here to pick you up in half an hour to chauffeur you to the registry office where I will be waiting with our friends." He explains to her with a smile as his nerves wash away and excitement setting in. He is going to marry the love of his life.

"I love you Tom." She simply says not knowing what else she could possibly say.

"I love you too." He chuckles before adding, "Now go and I will see you soon at our wedding."

"At our wedding." She repeats and starts to walk past Tom and into the bedroom where Blue is sitting on the double bed surrounded by hair products, make up and curling tongues. They both hear the door open and shut when Tom leaves to meet whoever to take him to his wedding, probably Luke or maybe even Benedict. The two girls without a word crossed between them lunge in for a hug, both with tears in their eyes. Even after their differences they still love each other to pieces. "I cannot believe it Blue... I'm getting married."

"I know you are." Blue whispers, "And isn't it marvellous."


After a car journey in one of Tom's Jaguars which feels like a lifetime Jessie, Blue, Felix and baby Jack arrive at the nearest registry office. Blue starts to unbuckle her son out of his car seat as Felix opens the car door and helps Jessie out in her stunning dress and her beautiful hair and make up to match. They all make their way into the building in awe of what is about to happen, in the reception area Leo is pacing waiting for his little sister to arrive and when he notices her entrance he has to choke back his tears. Jessie immediately makes her way over to Leo where they hug emotionally as the others enter the service room to take a seat and wait for the service to start. "I cannot believe that after everything... I am here watching my little sister getting married..." Jessie smiles at her brother's words. "To a really hot movie star." She playfully slaps him on the arm. "Miss Morrissey..." His tone turns serious and professional. "Will you do me the honour of letting me give you away?" He asks.

"Of course you can." She agrees and then turns to look at the large, oak doors which are shut but behind them are the people that she cares the most about in the whole entire world.

"Ready?" He questions and she nods so he links his arm with her and nods at two people dressed smartly in black suits who then open the double doors simultaneously revealing the small flurry of people inside who rise politely. Jessie starts to walk into the room with her brother and all eyes on her. She smiles at the small group of people who have attended her wedding at such short notice. To her left sits Tom's mother and younger sister, Felix, Blue, baby Jack and Luke with an empty seat beside him most likely where her brother is going to sit. And to her right is Benedict, Sophie and Christopher Cumberbatch and James, Anne-Marie and Brendan McAvoy. All the most important people to Jessie in one room not leaving out the most important of all, Tom.

When she reaches the front of the room she beams at Tom who beams back and takes her small hands in his. "Please be seated." The vicar states and allows the small gathering to sit before he continues. "Today we are here to witness the marriage of Thomas William Hiddleston and Jessica Olivia Morrissey..."

A/n holy crap only one chapter left!

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