Chapter 20

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It is a beautiful Saturday morning. The sky is cloudless and a bright shade of blue, the birds are chirping in the blooming trees and people are out enjoying the weather. Tom and Jessica however are stuck inside. Yesterday, a very unpleasant visit from Luke ended up in deciding that Tom “needs to work harder”. So now Tom is learning his lines for the third Thor film begrudgingly while Jessie sits bored on her Instagram. She recently decided to create a fan account to pass her time but she is really enjoying it and talking to her followers. She daringly snaps a picture of Tom reading the script on the sofa; his legs are crossed on top of the chair and he is wearing his sexy, thick rimmed glasses. “Do you mind if I let my followers know that I am friends with you?” Jessie interrupts Tom’s thoughts who looks up and shrugs his shoulders not caring.


@ officially_sherlocked – Spending the morning with this one as per usual. He is being boring learning scripts. Save me! :p


@ theavengersatcentralperk – YOU ARE FRIENDS WITH TOM HIDDLESTON???!!!

@ professional_benaddict – LOOK AT HIS DORKY GLASSES!


@ stephm8 – OMG

@ laurenthecumberbitch – What script is he reading?

Tom stands up and peers at the screen after being slightly concerned of the giggling sounds coming out of his girlfriend’s mouth. He chuckles and asks, “Are you going to reply J?” Jessie hums in approval and begins to type out responses while Tom retreats to the kitchen to make tea.

Instagram comments:

@ officially_sherlocked – Yes I am @ theavengersatcentralperk

@ officially_sherlocked – I have met Mr and Mrs Cumberbatch once but I do hope to meet them again in the future @ 221benaddicted

@ officially_sherlocked – He is reading the script for Thor 3 @ laurenthecumberbitch

She locks her phone and pockets it in her back pocket before peering around the empty lounge. She then gazes at her prosthetic and sighs; why can’t she just walk?! “Let’s go out.” Tom announces making Jessie jump as she did not know that he was standing behind her. She does not respond immediately so Tom jumps onto the sofa from the back. He shuffles up closer to his girlfriend and kisses her gently on her forehead. “What is wrong?” He mumbles just behind her ear.

“Where can we go with this-” She hits her bad leg, “Being a pain?”

“Well where have we gone previously without a problem?” He asks her softly.

“I don’t know…the aquarium I guess but you were petrified of the sharks.” She comments with a little giggle at the end.

“Hey sharks are scary!” He exclaims and shivers at the thought of a shark. The pair sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes both thinking about what they could do together without Tom’s fame or Jessie’s prosthetic getting in the way. It is difficult. “Well…” He trails and pulls out his phone. He brings up an email and passes the phone over to Jessica. “I was asked to do a panel at MCM Comic Con Birmingham tomorrow…we could both go to that? And then afterwards we could visit your mum? She lives in Birmingham right?” Jessie nods. She has not seen her mother since being in hospital and to be honest she is not fussed if she never sees her again but she does not want to upset Tom so agrees. “Great! I will tell Luke.”

So tomorrow Jessica Morrissey is going to return to her home city for the first time in seven or so years. She is scared.


Runaway - Tom Hiddleston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now