Chapter 1

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About half an hour later, Luke Windsor – Tom’s publicist – has dropped the actor and the young woman off at Tom’s flat. The tall man climbs out of the passenger side and opens the door for the limping woman who has yet no name. They both stagger to the main door to the lobby of the flats and quickly but carefully head for the lift. When safe inside the lift, the lady grips onto a metal horizontal bar as Tom presses the button with the number ‘8’ displayed on it. “Hmm the top floor.” The young lady comments, “Must be rich or something. This is a busy part of a city and these look pretty posh.” She rambles and Tom chuckles.

“Believe me there are posher flats around here it being London and all.” The woman widens her eyes in shock as she processes these words.

“London!” She exclaims, “Like the capital of England?!” She yells and the lift reaches the top floor.

“Yeah…” Tom trails confused as he helps her out of the lift gently. “Why is that surprising? And what is your name may I ask?” He questions.

“Jessica Morrissey.” Jessica replies with a smile, “But most people call me Jessie.” She hops down the corridor and Tom unlocks the door to his flat with his keys which is attached to a Lego Loki key ring. After opening the door he extends his arm for her to hold on to, to guide her to the black, leather sofa which is situated in the centre of the living area facing a large, flat screen television. She collapses onto the comfortable sofa and her eye catches a very high-tech clock which is sitting on the coffee table. Displayed on it is the time (obviously), the date and the year. “2014!” She shouts in horror and Tom quickly rushes to her side.

“Yes Jessica.” He responds, “Why is everything so obvious confusing you? I do not understand.” He explains soothingly.

“That means I am twenty-two…” She mutters sadly, “I was fifteen last time I checked!” She yells. “It was 2007 for god sakes and I was fifteen and I…” She stops abruptly as she remembers something important. “They took me!”

“Who took you?” Jessica begins to panic and her breathing falls shallow but quick, “Jessica calm down.” This has no effect, “Jessie! Breathe in and out. Please for me.” He holds onto her hands calmingly and her breathing gradually returns to normal. “Better?” She nods reluctantly and he takes a seat next to her. They sit in silence for a few moments as Tom lolls something over in his head. He peers at her for a second and then it hits him. “You are Jessica Morrissey, the aspiring athlete who won the under 16s, one hundred metre sprint at the championships!”

“Two hundred metre.” She clarifies, “How do you know?” She asks.

“I helped commentate the event. They questioned me when…”

“When?” She nods for him to continue.

“When you went missing.” Jessie takes a sharp intake of breath, “Listen we will need to talk to the police.” She groans, “There are so many people who will be relieved to found out that you are safe after all these years.” He smiles at her revealing his perfect teeth making her smile back.

“But where was I?” She cries and Tom shakes his head sadly while shrugging his shoulders, “Oh my! I missed the Olympics!”

“Which one?” Tom attempts to joke but fails, “I bet you were training for London 2012.” She nods, “But listen it is never too late. Let’s sort out your sore leg first and then we will see where that leaves us.”

“Thanks Tom.” She credits, “When you say we…?”

“I am not leaving you now.” Tom confirms, “Anyway, I need a running partner. I may not be a professional but I do love a morning run…and Shakespeare.” He chuckles nervously and blushes slightly.

“Aha Shakespeare.” Jessie giggles, “Before I was…yeah I was studying Coriolanus, I will have to continue to see what happens at the end.” Tom laughs loudly at this and Jessie acts mock offended. He stands up before kneeling down in front of her to check out her sore, right leg.

“Okay let’s have a look.” He signals as he unties her shoe lace on her right foot. When pulls it off something strange and green catches his eye forcing him to raise an eyebrow in bewilderment. He rolls up her trouser leg and gasps as he meets the sight, “What the-?”

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