Chapter 30

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A/n this has taken me a long time to write so I hope you enjoy it!

You know when you are dreaming or having a nightmare and you have no control over your body? You try to move but you cannot, you try to speak but you are unable to and you try to wake up but it seems impossible. This is how Jessica feels right now but for her it is reality. The definition of reality is: the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. The reality is of this situation is that Tom has been hit by a black, London cab with a distraught driver after Jessie made him stumble off the curb. It isn't the driver's fault. It isn't Tom's fault. It is Jessie's. "Call an ambulance!" She shouts to no one in particular and the taxi driver already has his phone dialling the number.

Finally being able to move her limbs, Jessie rushes to Tom's side and a sense of relief washes over her when she sees his eyes open. He is conscious but in pain. When he was hit, his body did a flip so he is now on his back, gasping for breath with his head swimming in a pool of blood. He weakly smiles or tries to when he sees his girlfriend's face hovering above him on her knees. "Tom..." She chokes as people rush around them asking what can be done. "I'm so sorry." She whimpers and runs her thumbs across his cheek but he shushes her, trying to calm her down.

A middle aged Asian man with dark, thinning hair kneels down on the other side of Tom with a concerned expression. "Hello. My name is Doctor Hyakuya and I work at the local hospital." He explains while showing his ID to Jessie. Although she cannot make out any details because her eyes are glassed over she trusts this man. "What is your name young sir?" He asks.

"T-t-tom." Tom stutters out while grimacing in pain. Another person kneels next to the group; this time it is a young, blond woman with piercing green eyes.

"Doctor Hyakuya. I am Nurse Simmons and I work in the emergency department at the same hospital as you. Can I be an assistance?" She asks and he nods. Jessie feels thankful that there was medical help already here and that they didn't have to wait for Tom to deteriorate. "Please try and relax Mr Hiddleston. If you stay tense then it will be difficult to treat you." He doesn't respond with words or movement but his body visually chills. Nurse Simmons presses two fingers to Tom's throat to check his pulse before checking his airway while Doctor Hyakuya presses his chest gently to check for broken ribs. Tom flinches.

"Okay Tom you have a couple of broken ribs-" Jessie muffles her cries by pressing both of her hands over her mouth, "You have to try and stay as still as possible." The doctor continues examining him. "This is a long shot but do you have some sort of torch nurse?" She ponders for a second before pulling out her smart phone and turning on the light at the back. "Perfect." He leans over Tom's face and shines the light in his left eye while holding the eyelids open and then moves onto the right. "Kuso..." He curses in Japanese.

"What is it?" Jessie questions with a look of concern, an expression which Tom mirrors.

"His pupils are different sizes which is a sign of a severe head injury...where is that ambulance?" He looks up at the taxi driver who shrugs his shoulders with a look of panic.

Almost on cue, an ambulance comes storming from around the corner with its blue lights flashing and sirens blaring. It pulls up next to the commotion and two paramedics clamber out. The bald paramedic who was driving goes to the back of the ambulance and opens up the doors to get the wheeled stretcher while the female with a blond pixie cut rushes to the patient's side with her large, green medical bag. "Doctor Hyakuya, Nurse Simmons. I see you are doing our job for us." She greets while retrieving equipment out of the bag.

"I was on my way to conference." He explains why he is at the train station. "This is Mr Tom Hiddleston. He was hit by a taxi and now has a severe head injury, blood loss and I suspect at least three broken ribs." The paramedic pulls out a syringe and a bottle of pain relief medication before injecting it into Tom's side. Doctor Hyakuya and Nurse Simmons raise to their feet and stand out of the way not wanting to disrupt their colleagues at work.

"We need a neck brace." She tells the fellow paramedic who also grabs a neck brace from the back of the ambulance. "What's your name sweetheart?" She asks Jessie who is sitting in a quaking mess next to Tom's broken body.


"Okay Jessie. Are you close to Tom?" She asks her while fixing Tom's neck into the brace to try and straighten out his body.

"I'm his girlfriend." She responds as she watches Tom's eyelids droop shut. "What is happening?" She panics when he shuts his eyes.

"Don't worry, it is just the morphine. Makes patients a bit drowsy that's all." The paramedic reassures Jessie. She wraps Tom's head in bandages to try and stop the blood loss as the male paramedic brings over an orange board-like stretcher with a head support attached. He unclips the head support and discards it to one side before – with help – they slide Tom onto the board. This awakens Tom again making him groan. The paramedics strap Tom onto the board and steady his head with the head support. "Okay let's get you to hospital then pet." All four medical professionals lift up the plastic board strapped to Tom and place it onto the wheeled stretcher which is pushed into the ambulance with Jessie following.




Actor Tom Hiddleston (Marvel, Only Lovers Left Alive) was hit by a black, London cab yesterday at a train station in London after being shoved by girlfriend.

By now we have all heard the tragic news that Hollywood's nicest actor – Tom Hiddleston – was involved in an accident causing him to have some major injuries and to be rushed to hospital. This morning publicist Luke Windsor reveals, "Tom has received a head injury making him confused and tired but there should be no lasting damage." He went on to explain that he has also received three broken ribs, a spine injury and a fractured wrist.

This is also very sad and upsetting especially for Tom's fans but pictures released shows that Hiddleston and girlfriend Jessica Morrissey had a disagreement on the pavement moments before the collision. This disagreement did indeed get slightly physical as Miss Morrissey pushed Tom away making him stumble off the curb and into the oncoming traffic.

She looked mortified and with good reason to but strong Hiddlestoners (Tom Hiddleston fans) have created a hate campaign towards the young woman. They want her to be charged for what she has done and some are saying that she did it on purpose.

All we want right now is for Tom to get well as soon as possible.


Jessie sighs after reading the sixth article that she has seen today. She did not do it on purpose and she hates that people think that. She pockets her phone and focusses all of her attention on Tom who is snoozing in the hospital bed next to her. Their hands are linked and Jessie runs her thumb over Tom's knuckles in a soothing way while trying to avoid looking at the extent of Tom's injuries. His other hand is in a cast which travels up towards his elbow that can be removed in a few weeks' time. His chest is bound by bandages to try and a restrict him from damaging his rib cage anymore which makes it uncomfortable to breath so he has oxygen being fed in through a pipe in his nose and has been prescribed an inhaler until further notice. The gash in the back of his head has been stitched and wrapped in bandages to restrict any chances of infection and he is dosed up on a lot pain relief.

His eyelids flutter open and his blue eyes scan the room and he smiles at the sight of his and Jessie's fingers entwined on top of the bed covers. He looks at her and sees that she is gazing off into the distance and he frowns. "Jessie." She turns her head to face him but her expression does not change. "My dear J...whatever is the matter?"

"Everyone hates me." She sighs and a tear slips out of her eye and cascades down her cheek. Tom wants to swipe it away but he can't. He is too restricted. "Your fans hate me, Luke hates me and I hate me...why don't you hate me?" He flinches at the word 'hate', it is such a strong word which he does not like to use.

"Because Jessie..." He trails and gazes into her eyes, "Because I love you."

A/n please comment your thoughts, it really means a lot ^.^

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