Chapter 38

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One week, six days and three hours to go until the wedding. Cakes have been sampled, flowers arranged and outfits picked out; the day is going to be perfect and Jessica is incredibly excited. But it seems that Tom's enthusiasm has been decreasing as the day becomes nearer and nearer and Jessie has realised why. His father, Dr James Norman Hiddleston and today the soon to be bride is going to fix the current mess.

Jessie stumbles out of the bedroom as she trips over a temporary (well it is now) rug, when she regains her balance she continues to walk to grab her jacket off the coat hook. She emailed Tom's father yesterday asking to meet up and he surprisingly agreed so that is where she is heading. She pockets her keys which make a slight jangle sound. "Where are you going Jessie?" Tom's voice makes her jump. She turns to see that he is sitting on the sofa with a script in hand.

"Just out." She states and Tom narrows his eyes at her not convinced. "I am just seeing Blue." She lies, she does not want to tell her fiancé where she is actually going because he will try and stop her and for once she needs to make something right as it is what Tom does on a day to day basis.

"You are dressed pretty smart darling to be seeing Blue." He is right. Jessie has tried to make an effort to impress Tom's father with a skirt, a neatly ironed blouse and her smart jacket over the top. Her makeup has been done and her hair washed and blow dried perfectly.

"Can't a girl dress up nice?" She accuses making Tom chuckle when something strikes her. "Shouldn't you be at your meeting?" She wonders then watches her partner's expression change from one of deep thought to a wide eyed shock yet he does not move.

"What time is it?" He asks, still motionless.

"Nearly half past ten."

"Shit!" Tom exclaims and leaps to his feet; like lightning he gathers up his papers while slipping his feet into his shoes. Jessie giggles at his almost unheard of tardiness but then she remembers why his mind is all over the place and shuts up. "Luke is going to fucking kill me." He curses and grabs his car keys off the coffee table as he spares a look in Jessie's direction. "Can I give you a lift anywhere? If it is on the way that is."

"Just into town would be good." She replies and follows Tom out of the door, she locks the door behind her. It takes quite a lot of strength and speed for Jessie to keep up with her darling fiancé as he fears that he may be late for a meeting with the dreaded publicist. Luke has a strong hold over Tom.


Tom slows down his new black Jaguar XE – which he was given by the company after doing another advertisement for them – so Jessie can hop out. She quickly pecks him on the cheek and wishes him luck with the dragon that is Luke Windsor before exiting the vehicle to meet her dragon; James Hiddleston. She strolls up to an Italian coffee shop so something a bit more up market than some of the mainstream brands like Costa and Starbucks but not too formal like a restaurant. She wants to make this encounter as quick as possible. When she pushes open the door a tiny bell chimes and the barrister greets her. "Hi there! What can I get for you?" Jessie wonders for a moment what her soon to be father in law would like as his beverage but then makes the assumption that Tom will have some resemblance to him.

"Tea for two please." Jessie replies with a sweet smile.

"That will be four pounds twenty please." She hands over the change to the barrister and takes a seat next to the window waiting for James. She is slightly early because she was expecting to have to wait for a taxi so it surprises her when Tom's father walks through the door moments later. He scans the room and peers at Jessie with a dead eye stair. He wanders over and takes a not so pleasant seat just as the barrister comes over with a tray carrying a pot of tea, two mugs on saucers, a jug of milk and bowl of sugar which she places gently on the table.

"Thank you." Jessie expresses her gratitude and feels the tension increase when James does not do the same. She goes to pour the tea but is stopped.

"Don't." Tom's father instructs, "It won't be brewed yet."

"Yes of course. Silly me." She nervously giggles.

"Yes. Silly you." He states as he moves his hand to pour the tea showing Jessie that his reason for stopping her from doing so moments before is not because of the reason he claims but because of power play. He wants to have the upper hand. "Sugar?" He asks and Jessie shakes her head.

"Mr Hiddleston...I just want to apologise for how I behaved the other day." She tries to sound sincere, "I shouldn't have spoken to you in that matter, it was childish of me."

"It is not your fault Jessica." His deep voice booms, "It is not your fault that you are still a child." He spites and Jessie gasps. It has been a long while since anyone has even hinted at the age gap between herself and Tom.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She almost growls but he does not reply, yet instead takes a sip of the steaming tea. "Mr Hiddleston, I don't know what I have done to wrong you but all I know is that your son has been moping around ever since your visit because he is worried that you won't attend his wedding. The wedding which he has put so much effort into being perfect and he is very much looking forward to."

"I am sorry Jessica but I don't approve of this relationship..." He ponders for a moment, "My son is a highly successful film star, and he went to one of the best secondary schools, universities and drama schools in the country. He has won countless awards and has a ginormous fan base." He takes another sip of his tea. "You on the other hand..." Sip. "Are a twenty two year old girl without any exam grades or qualifications who works part time in a supermarket. You have a very small friendship circle and your family life clearly is a disaster as you are not inviting any of them to your wedding apart from that idiot of brother." Sip. "Do you see why I don't approve?"

"My family life? You have not exactly been number one dad or husband if I know my facts right." Her face is flushed red with anger, "The reason why I have nothing on my CV and am stuck in a part time cashier job is because I was kidnapped at the age of fifteen. Remember?" He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. Jessie's chair scrapes back along the wooden floor as she stands up suddenly. "Your son is the most important person in my life! He saved me! If it wasn't for him I would probably be dead, he loves me and I love him to pieces and nothing is going to stop that! He really wanted you at his wedding because he still – for some unknown reason – still looks up to you! If you don't like me then that is fine but do this for him! That is all I care about!" She peers around the room and frowns when she notices the many faces looking at her. "Just apologise to him." She whispers before storming off outside of the coffee shop leaving her steaming tea untouched.


"Jessie!" Tom calls when he enters the flat after his incredibly long meeting with Luke. He wanders into the living room to see his fiancé chilling out while watching some sort of panel game show. She smiles at him when he enters. "Oh dear J...what did you do?" His eyes are sad so Jessie immediately becomes worried.

"What do you mean?" She stresses as Tom passes over his phone displaying an article.



Tom Hiddleston's fiancé Jessica Morrissey was seen letting it all out in a coffee shop in London just weeks before the wedding.

It is no secret that Marvel star Tom Hiddleston is going to be married soon to the beautiful Jessica Morrissey as many saw him propose at Heathrow airport a few months ago. Ever since Hiddleston set eyes on Morrissey he has had the eye for her but will his feelings now change when he finds out that Morrissey is not exactly pleasant with his father.

Morrissey was seen having a coffee with Dr James Hiddleston at eleven o'clock this morning and all seemed fine and civil until she ranted at the elder hinting that maybe he does not approve of the pair and the soon-to-be wedding. She made it clear that she loved Tom and that she did not care whether she had his father's blessing or not but made it clear that Tom wants him there at the wedding.

With the wedding only weeks away could this be a setback to something that could have been beautiful?


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