Chapter 8

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It is later that day and Jessica Morrissey is sitting in her chair while studying the array of clothes on her bed. She has been given her old clothes back – some fit others don’t – but also some family members have bought her new stuff too. There is a knock at the door followed by Tom peering into the room just to see if she is okay but he almost regrets it. Tom quite likes everything to be neat and tidy because that is the kind of man he is so seeing many clothing items scattered on the bed makes him feel in a weak position. “How did you put those out?” He asks in an absent minded fashion.

“I have arms Tom.” Jessie states while combing through some skirts realising that trousers were not the best idea.

“I know you do.” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, “I’m sorry that was disrespectful.”

“Shut up ‘Mr Sorrypants’.” She jokes and throws a jumper in his face. He chuckles as he scoops up the discarded sweater and neatly folds it before placing it into an open drawer. “The place we are going tonight, is it formal, fancy, casual-”

Just wear whatever you want Jessie.” He interrupts her, “You will look beautiful in anything.” Jessica runs this line through her head numerous times before continuing searching for a pretty garment for tonight with Tom. She is very excited because it is the first restaurant she will have been to since she was fifteen years old. “We still need to talk…” He trails and she looks up at his big, blue eyes which look slightly sad, “About the nightmares.”

“Tom it is fine.” She grits her teeth, “It is nothing.” He nods not wanting to pursue the touchy matter and scans his eyes over the pile of fabrics once more. “Now if you don’t mind, I need to get ready.” She smiles and he nods, again, before turning and leaving. Now alone. Jessica lets out a deep breath and peers around her clothes. A dress maybe? She was never one for dresses, she was very much a boyish girl in her teen years but now she does not know who she is. She used to be the girl who was up every morning at five so she could run around the park. The girl who cared more about training than a social life. The girl who lost numerous friends due to her closed behaviour. And now? Now she is the woman who cannot walk. The woman who has a world famous celebrity trying to help her. The woman who is choosing a dress to wear who wouldn’t even wear dresses in the past. This is a huge step up for Jessica Morrissey. She has had to age up fast because of the loss of seven years of her short life.

She picks up a shiny, turquoise dress which shimmers in the light and grabs one sandal from the bottom of the wardrobe. Should she curl her hair? She decides that she will and also reaches for the curling tongues before setting herself up in front of the mirror.


“Jessie are you nearly ready?!” Tom shouts as he slips on a black suit jacket. There is no verbal reply but the door to her bedroom opens and the sound of the wheelchair’s wheels rolling against the wooden floor meets his ears. He takes a deep breath before turning to see Jessica looking absolutely stunning all dressed up. Her blue dress ties at her neck and the collar is lined with diamantes, there is a thick band of gold ribbon around her petite waist and her gold sandal matches the outfit perfectly. She is wearing over her bare shoulders a simple, black blazer. She has curled the bottom of her dark hair which bounces just below her shoulders and she has fixed her eye makeup perfectly; a thin layer of black mascara and eyeliner with a sprinkle of blue eye shadow over her eyelid. She has delicately painted her lips a pale pink and Tom is speechless.

“Tom?” She grabs his attention while looking slightly worried.

“Y-y-you look amazing.” He stutters with a huge grin on his face, “Absolutely beautiful darling.” She smiles again looking pleased with herself. She is glad that she has made an effort.

“Thanks. You don’t scrub up too bad yourself.” She replies as she eyes Tom’s suit which is a little tight around the bum. “Right. Shall we depart?”


The pair arrived at the restaurant some time ago and they are now waiting for desert menus. The meal so far has been delightful and Jessica is very glad that she made an effort; the restaurant is not overly fancy or anything but it is definitely a place where you should make an effort especially in presence of a celebrity. “Thank you Tom.” Jessie gushes with a permanent smile on her face.

“Well it is my pleasure darling and I am glad that you have enjoyed the meal so far.” He returns the smile and the waiter places two desert menus on the table carefully before scurrying away.

“I don’t just mean for the meal Tom…I mean for everything you have done to me.” She blushes and tries to hide it by pulling up the menu, “I don’t know why a guy like you would help a girl like me.” Tom knits his eyebrows and considers this phrase.

“What do you mean by that?” He asks which is followed by a sigh from Jessie.

“You are a famous celebrity with a fulfilling career and you could have anything you want but then there is me.” She shrugs her shoulders, “Worthless.” She mutters as she scans the menu but she can feel his eyes burning through her. “Broken.” She mumbles almost subconsciously. Tom reaches forwards and cups her left hand with his right which makes her jump slightly.

“Don’t ever say that.” He instructs and Jessica looks around warily seeing if they are attracting attention or not. “You are not worthless or broken. You are worth ten of me Jessie because you are strong.” His voice is soft and gently.

“Tom…” She growls as she tries to wriggle her hand from his grasp, “Someone might see.” He quickly withdraws his hand from hers while looking flustered.

“Jessie I am so-”

“Can we just go?” She asks as she feels a tear slip out of her eye and land on the table harshly. He nods and summons the waiter to get the bill.

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