Chapter 37

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"So what do you think?" Blue asks Jessie who spins around (as well as she can) on the spot while looking in the thin mirror. Baby Jack gurgles contently on the young woman's lap while she bounces him up and down on her knee. Jessica pats down the dress to straighten but it still remains stuck out and large like a balloon; this is definitely not what she had in mind for her wedding dress. The shop owner is leaning against the desk also watching Jessie's expression.

"It's alright I guess." Jessie shrugs her shoulders making the other two women sigh. This has to be at least the fifth dress that she has tried on and none of them she has like particularly.

"Alright is not good enough." Blue groans, "It is your big day and you need to feel beautiful like a princess."

"Blue..." She whinges.

"Don't 'Blue' me young lady! As maid of honour, it is my duty to make sure that you have the best day of your life." The shop owner nods in agreement while picking at her perfectly manicured nails. "What else have you got?" She turns to her as Jessie sits down on the uncomfortable bench giggling at young Jack's infant antics. The shop owner passes over a folder with the photos of all the dresses that they currently have in stock which Jessie flicks through carelessly.

"Ooh..." She hums when she finds a picture of a beautiful white, V-neck wedding dress which falls to just above the knee. It is made of a chiffon material and above the breast and arms is a delicate lace. It is open back with a simple ribbon tying at the neck; it really is a stunning dress. Blue and the shop owner both lean over her shoulder to look at the chosen dress.

"It is beautiful Jessie." Blue gasps before turning to the shop owner, "Why did you not show us this before? This fit the description of what she wanted with the colour, the lace and the material." She scrunches her brow.

"I-I-I just thought because it's a short dress and..." She stutters and then trails with a quick look at Jessie's prosthetic.

"That is so disrespectful!" Blue exclaims and is about to rant when Jessie lays a gentle hand on her forearm to calm her down.

"It is fine." She smiles at the shop owner who looks a bit agitated. " a part of me now and I want to embrace that. It is a beautiful dress which I would love to try on."

The shop owner retrieves the dress and Jessie does try it on; she looks absolutely gorgeous in it and she has to refrain from squealing when she sees it on. It was a group decision (i.e. Jessie, Blue and Jack) to buy the dress and the shop owner says a fresh one will be made with the correct adjustments. Blue is now dropping Jessie back home with baby Jack cooing in the back seat. "Who was your maid of your wedding?" Jessie asks her friend out of the blue.


"I was just wondering." She smiles.

"I didn't have one." Blue admits making Jessie furrow her brow, "I mean, Felix had a best man but I just couldn't bring myself to choosing a maid of honour because it was meant to be you."


A fourteen year old Bluebell, Jessica and Felix are sprawled across the desks in their form room while looking through a wedding magazine which they found on teacher's desk. After debating how on earth their teacher had managed to get anyone to marry them they decided to look through the magazine at the pretty dresses and fancy hair styles. "You're going to be my maid of honour." Blue says to Jessie while looking at a particularly extravagant model wearing an expensive gown.

"And you are going to be mine." Jessie agrees with a smile.

"Guys! Feeling left out over here." Felix announces with an adorable pout.

"Don't worry you can be our best man or an usher or something." Jessie mumbles while turning the page.

"So neither of you are going to marry me then." He raises his eyebrow in a mocking way.

"Of course not!" Blue exclaims rather exaggeratingly, "You gay idiot."

*End of Flashback*

Oh the irony. "Then who went dress shopping with you?" Jessie asks feeling moved that her friend even after such a long period of time did not forget about her and the promises that were made.

"My mum." Blue responds.


"Tom!" Jessie calls as she enters the apartment and slams the door behind her. She hears the shower running which means that Tom must have been for a run as it is three in the afternoon. Tom only goes for runs (that are not early morning) when he stressed. Jessie sighs. Ever since the family meal a few weeks ago, Tom has been restless about what happened with his father. Jessie mumbles some expletives about James Hiddleston as she takes a seat on the sofa. The running water halts. Her eyes scan the contents of the coffee table which has become chaotic: a mug, a glass, the three TV remotes, a couple of wedding magazines, a Shakespeare play, a script, a couple of pens and a highlighter. You can tell that Tom has been working.

The bathroom door opens and Tom walks out wearing a pair of grey sweatpants with his avenger stunt team t-shirt. His hair is ruffled from where he has furiously rubbed it with a towel and he looks fatigued most likely from his afternoon run. "Oh hey Jessie." He greets when he notices her sat on the sofa. He takes a seat next to her. This another thing, when Tom is stressed he starts calling her Jessie and not J or dear J.

"I did call for you but I realised that you were showering." Jessie responds before adding, "Tom, what is wrong darling?"

"Nothing..." He lies.

"Tom." She repeats his name more sternly.

"Okay, okay!" He puts his hands up in defeat. "We are getting married in a month Jessie and I am so excited about that." He pauses, "But what if my father refuses to go? Because at the moment that looks very likely and I really want my family there." She nods. "I know that you do not want your family there – apart from Leo – but he is a big part of my life and I really look up to him even if he is an arsehole sometimes."

"He will come round. I promise." She vows and he nods.

"Anyway, how was dress shopping?" He asks.

"At first it was awful...but then I found something that I liked so I bought it." She beams making him smile too. He loves to see her happy. When her smile falls he begins to feel concerned so leans forward.

"Is everything okay?"

"Do you care about the length of the dress?" She questions while peering at her hands, her eyes flick up to meet his when she continues. "Do you mind my prosthetic showing?"

"Of course not dear J! You are perfect with or without it. I love you for you and your prosthetic is part of you so I love it also." He sighs, "I love you so much J, and I wish I could express my love and passion for you more but I don't think it is possible. You are a fighter, a role model and a believer and I love you for that. For someone who didn't get to finish school, you are incredibly intelligent and I want you to know that." Jessie rubs her watering eyes to try and rid herself of the tears which are building up inside them. "I don't what I would do without you Jessica fiancé. I love you darling."

"I love you too." She blubbers and their lips collide with mixture of love and passion. They may have had their ups and downs but these two people have undying love for each other. They are each other's drugs, they are puzzle pieces which perfectly fit together. They are love.

A/n hey there! So this book is coming to an end soon but I want to thank all of you who have remained on its journey. I am sorry for the late update, I have been distracted by The Ashes Cricket series. Well done England for winning! Such a beautiful moment in England cricket.

Anyway, I was wondering if you would go and check out an original story I am working on. It is the first original (non-fanfiction) novel which I am going to publish on wattpad. It is called 'The Three Js - My Schizophrenic Boyfriend (s)' and it would mean a lot to me if you went to read the first chapter which I have uploaded today. Please comment if you do. Thank you to those who have already voted and commented, it means so much to me!

Thank you for your support ~ Mae x

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