Chapter 3

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Jessica Morrissey struggles as the ropes that bound her are awfully tight and the drugs which are flowing through her system are making her less able each minute they are pumped around. She does not know how long she has been here in the deepest depths of some underground lab. She feels a searing pain in her leg as some scientists are ripping it open carelessly shoving bits in and stealing bits out. Her heart rate begins to plummet panicking the nearby experimenters. “Syringe four!” One man shouts and he is quickly passed a large syringed, filled with a shiny, blue liquid. It is plunged into Jessica’s abdomen and her heart rate returns to normal but she passes out.

“Jessie!” Tom shouts while leaning over her. She wakes up from her nightmare to be met with a very frantic looking Tom staring down at her. “Are you okay?” He asks and Jessica nods in response although she is not. “You’re lying.” He realises.

“Just a nightmare.” She states, “Its fine really.” She continues to lie but how is she meant to be feeling good? She has lost seven years of her life. Her life aspiration is over. She pulls herself up carefully to look down at the gap where her leg used to be when Tom grasps her arm and pushes her back down.

“Don’t do it to yourself.” He enforces.

“It’s weird.” Tom gives her an odd expression, “It feels like it is still there but I know it is not.” She clarifies and sniffles. Trying not to cry.

“The doctor warned me of that.” He sighs audibly, “Listen Jessie I have a preposition for you.”

“A preposition?”

“Yeah.” He scratches the back of his head with his left hand, “I know that you have the full support of your family – who are very lovely by the way – but I noticed that you didn’t like them fussing over you. So I am asking you to stay with me…and I will help you with your recovery.” He stumbles over his words, “I know I wouldn’t want my mum or sisters fussing over me if I was in this position. Obviously you don’t have to but-”

“Tom.” Jessica interrupts him, “I really appreciate everything you’ve done and I would love to stay with you.” She smiles at him and he returns it but his is bigger.

“Okay!” He exclaims while clasping his hands together, “I have got to go to a script reading.”

“Oh not again!”

“I know…” He chuckles nervously, “But here.” He pulls out an electronic tablet from his bag and passes it to Jessica. “This should keep you entertained. You can access the internet and stuff like that.” He explains briefly which she responds with a nod. “See you later.” He says as he scampers out of the room.

Jessica holds the tablet in her hand and runs her fingers along the edges. She is not used to this kind of technology but she picks it up easily. She unlocks the technological device and clicks on the icon which reads ‘Internet’ and a new tab opens with Google. “Now Tom Hiddleston. Time to find out who you really are.” She mutters before typing his name into the search bar and clicking on the search button. She gasps as she sees the millions of results that come up and she decides to open Wikipedia remembering that it was an information site. She scrolls through his filmography as sees that he plays Loki in the Marvel franchise. She used to love the Norse Mythology stories as a kid and her brother, Leo, was a massive Marvel comic fan. She digs deeper into his other roles including his role as the evil villain Loki and she realises that he is renowned for this role and it is indeed his most popular for the fans. She begins to laugh out loud as she reads some Tumblr pages from various ‘hiddlestoners’. “They really do love him.” She mumbles still slightly shell shocked that such a famous celebrity is caring for her. As she clicks off all these pages she notices the most recent news articles:



Actor Tom Hiddleston is making numerous hospital visits to call on a mystery patient.

It is no mystery that Hiddleston is one of the nice guys in today’s Hollywood but who is this mystery patient that he is calling on every day? A source says that the Marvel star spends almost all his time there apart from when he is preparing for his upcoming role – which is another mystery. Publicist Luke Windsor says, ‘He [Tom] is just visiting a recovering friend. There is nothing wrong with that.’

Must be a special friend. Hiddleston has been seen rushing into the hospital with flowers, chocolates and magazines. Stopped on one occasion he said, ‘They are for a friend who is recuperating after some surgery. She has gone through quite a distressing time and I am just being supporting towards her.’

So we know that this mystery is indeed a woman so is she more than just a ‘recovering friend’? Since this news has hit, many reporters are camped out around the hospital hoping to catch a couple of snaps of the woman leaving the hospital with Hiddleston.

More on its way.


Jessica locks the tablet quickly a throws it further down on the bed. Why would they care about her? She panics and turns to look at her bedside and calms down instantly. The beautiful flowers which are sitting on her beside from her various family members – who are still coming to terms her being alive – and from Tom. She knows that she has support.

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