Chapter 28

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Jessica Morrissey is running; through the forests, through the trees away from the men who are chasing her. With their white coats and needles like scientists and for some unknown reason she is the specimen. Her leg hurts like crazy and it feels like she is being ripped open every step she takes. Her eye lids become heavy but she must keep going but the stinging sensation in her bicep tells her otherwise. One of them has struck her and her body crumples beneath her. She feels herself being dragged and then thrown into the back of a van; soon she finds herself propped up against a wall of a train station. She sees a very tall man approach her with a worried expression on his face. He talks but his voice is muffled, she can tell he is British but apart from that she is lost. One word is not muffled though well it is more of a pronoun. "Tom." It is his name.

Suddenly she finds herself running again; through the forests, through the trees away from the men who are chasing her. She shouts, "Tom!" Over and over again seeking for her saviour but he is nowhere to be found. She looks down as she runs and sees that her right leg is only half there but a prosthetic replacing the other half but then her sight to her leg becomes obstructed by her swollen belly containing a baby. His baby. "Tom!" She continues to hollow. "Tom!"

"Jessie!" Tom yells from her awakening her from her nightmare. His hands are planted either side of her in a way to calm and she studies him more closely. He hasn't slept and his eyes are raw from crying. She then realises that she is not in her own bed or Tom's as it has turned into but in a hospital bed. She begins to panic and engulfs Tom in a large hug. "It is alright Jessie." He mumbles into her hair before kissing her forehead and pulls away. His smile looks weak.

"How long have I been out for?" She croaks.

"A couple of days." He rasps. Jessica tilts her with her brow furrowed wondering what has made Tom so sad. She is fine now. Awake. The look she gives him makes him burst into tears. He curls up into the chair next to her bed and buries his head in his arms as he sobs.

"Shush Tom." She soothes, "It is alright. I am fine see." She tries to comfort him but she grasps that it won't be that easy. Her mind wanders back to before she collapsed in training with Tom's arms cradling her. She remembers what he was saying to her: 'I'm sorry' and 'I know about the baby' and 'I will be there every step of the way'. "The baby." She gasps bringing Tom out of his isolation. He looks at her straight in the eye with sorrow. His wonderful blues eyes now swimming in tears. "No." She shakes her head now on the brink of tears herself.

"I am sorry my dear J..." He blubbers, "They did everything they could." She ignores his words and curls up facing the opposite way to let herself cry. Doctors and nurses repeatedly come in to dose Jessie up and to ask her how she is feeling but she does not respond. Tom repeatedly apologises for her rude behaviour but the medical professionals shrug it off. They must be used to it.

Even though he is ignored, Tom stays with Jessie day after day, night after night. He is upset about the loss of his child but right now Jessie is the first thing on his mind. He watches her drift off to sleep and she looks so peaceful.

Jessica Morrissey is running; through the forests, through the trees away from the men who are chasing her. She looks down at her prosthetic and smiles about how far she has come but then remembers all she has lost. Her baby. She is tempted to give up and let them catch her so they can cut her up into bits and treat her like frog in a school science lab. Or she could continue to run. Run as fast as she can to the edge of the world to jump off.

But as she runs she feels her running past her memories. Some bad ones like when her mother abused her or when her friends ditched her because she was too focussed on her training. Then the good ones like when she one the Under 16s two hundred metre sprint nationally. Tom was commentating the event and she made a comment of how good looking he was. Then she runs past the very few memories she has during the seven years of captivity; the needles, the pain, the poison. Being caged like an animal but being treated like a monster. Then she reaches her later memories from the simple ones when she and Tom are watching a film snuggled up on the sofa to their trip to Switzerland and that night...


It is a few weeks later and there is only one thing on Jessie's mind. Guilt. It is her fault that she has lost Tom's baby. Some days she almost forgets when Tom holds her in his arms and talks to her about his day but most days she avoids him. He doesn't blame her as he has told her on numerous occasions but for some reason she cannot forgive herself. She has now found herself in a therapist's office with her brother Leo. "So Jessica..." Dr Danni begins, "I understand this is such a difficult time for you but you have to try and let go. Otherwise it is going to eat you up." She explains and Jessie nods but remains silent. "How do you feel Jessica?"

"Guilty." She states, "It is all my fault." She cowers her face into her hands and her brother sighs. He reaches across to hold her hand but she flinches away. Any human contact other than Tom's occasional cuddles have been prohibited since coming out of hospital. "I should have been more careful...I should have-"

"Jess." Leo tries to interrupt.

"No Leo!" She yells at him, "Can't you see?! I had a responsibility and I went and blew. I put my dreams first not even thinking of the baby growing inside of me! James tried to warn me but would I listen?! No! I am irresponsible! I don't know why Tom hasn't dumped me already!" She continues to shout when it dawns on her. There is only one thing she can do. Runaway.

Runaway - Tom Hiddleston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now