"Is @hiddlesbatchers dead?!?!?!"

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Hey guys!

Yes it has been a horrifically long amount of time since I have updated any of my books... I am so so so sorry. Like it's been 10 days since I updated Sherlock's Daughter, 16 days since Your Choice, 23 days since Runaway (ouch I'm sorry) and a whole month since the Three Js ~ My Schizophrenic Boyfriend.

The reason is that I was so stressed about starting a new school my brain couldn't function so I physically could not write. That and the cricket was on... Sorry!

But don't worry!

Although I am currently being mowed down by the mass of homework I've been set because I've started sixth form (16-18 year olds to all you non english people), I will have updated all four books by the end of the week!

I've nearly finished writing a part for my original story 'The Three Js ~ My Schizophrenic Boyfriend' which should be uploaded tomorrow.

'Runaway' is coming to an end as it is so that will be next on the update list (most likely Friday).

'Your Choice' will be next on Saturday with a hopefully fantastic chapter that will reveal so much about the future of the story... Maybe.

And last but by no means least 'Sherlock's Daughter'! I am overwhelmed by the response this book has had so far so thank you! I have completely planned the plot for the rest of the book and oh it is finished with a bang! You should look forward to that, an update should be on Sunday.

Thank you to all you people who were sending me messages on here to check that I was still alive... Yes that actually happened. I am and I am fine I guess! So I am looking forward to updating and awaiting your comments.

But for now have a good morning/afternoon/night and I am sorry once again for my inactivity.

~Mae xXx

Runaway - Tom Hiddleston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now