Chapter 7

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The sun is steadily rising over the British Isles. Many are just waking up, others are lucky enough to get to sleep for hours yet and some are returning home from a night shift in their various occupations but Tom is out for his run like he is every morning at this time. Jessica cannot help but feel the jealously rise up within her but she has decided not to let it escape, for Tom’s sake. She has only been home a week but she has seemed to have sussed his morning routine. At an early six o’clock he leaves the flat for his run wearing a pair of sweats, basic hoody and trainers before returning around seven. When he returns his fills the kettle full of water and switches on then heads for the shower. After showering he continues making his tea – one for him and one for Jessie – and then sits down in front of a television show which he has no interest in.

Even though he is very quiet first thing in the morning so he does not wake up his guest, she is already awake due to the nightmares; the nightmares of her being taken. Every morning so far she has woken up just before Tom leaves for his run and when he does leave she drags herself out of bed and into her wheelchair. She then wheels herself around the flat for a little time, taking in some fresh information, before setting herself by the large window overlooking London – at all the busy people. She looks over it heartbroken that she cannot enjoy it. About an hour later she sees Tom jogging towards the entrance of the building causing her to sigh deeply. Not today.

Today is her dinner with Tom and she for the first time for a long time feels excited. Like she could forget her current predicament and just run like the wind; through the forests, surrounded by all the species of bird and the woodland creatures that would follow her. She would reach a river and peer at her reflection, her dark hair would have been tied neatly into a pony tail before she left the house but now it would have some loose strands hanging at the front. Her young eyes full of hope for the future.

The front door is opened, she did not realise that Tom was back, she was day dreaming. Usually she would have seen him run into the building so she would escape back to her room so he does not notice her stress. Oh how she has failed. “Jessie?” He greets looking a little confused to why the fact she is sitting by the window, “Is everything alright?” He asks still panting. Jessica nods and begins to wheel herself back to her room but he stands in her way. “No you’re not.” He deducts.

“I am fine Tom. Please let me pass.” She attempts to persuade but obviously fails as Tom kneels down next to her and looks at her straight in the eye.

"Tell me.” He almost pleads but she shakes her head and begins to tear up. “Hey…don’t worry about it.” He vaguely states but compassionately.

“Stop worrying about me.” She begins, “Turn on the kettle and have a shower…”

“No I am not going until you tell me what’s wrong.” He enforces his authority but softly when it hits him, “How did you know that?”

“Know what?”

“That I turn the kettle on and then have a shower…wait a second do you sit by the window every day?” He questions like she is a little crazy. She nods sadly, “I thought you were asleep darling.” She loves it whenever he calls her that. Darling. “Why is that not the case?” She sniffles and searches for some confidence but she just cannot find any. He puts out his hand to hold hers lovingly and runs his thumb along the side of her hand. There it is. There is the confidence.

“Just the nightmares.” She tries to sound casual but she sees the amount of concern rise in Tom’s facial features. “But.” She clears her throat and removes her hand from his so she can wipe her eyes to act strong. “I am looking forward to our dinner tonight.” She smiles which relieves Tom.

“I am glad but darling-” He is interrupted by his phone going off causing him to grumble, “Hello?” He says as he answers. Jessica watches as Tom’s facial expression changes from annoyance to exasperation. “She is fine Luke; I am taking her out of the flat today.” He explains as he scratches the back of his neck and mouths sorry to Jessie making her giggle. “And her name is Jessica or Jessie not Jess.” He adds his body slumped over. “Her brother Leo? What about him?” Jessica is trying to decipher what Tom’s conversation with his publicist could possibly be about but it proving difficult. “Why?” The person on the other end of the phone continues to chatter earning a tired sigh from Tom. “Okay well Luke I’ve really got to be going man. Bye.” Tom hangs up and places his mobile on the counter. “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She replies, “What was that about – if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Your brother is worried about you.”

"Then why does Luke know about that?” She questions.

“Bloody good question.” He chuckles, “Apparently you are ignoring his messages.” Jessie groans and rolls her eyes, “Okay I will ask about that later because we are going to have a good chat about things…but first I need to go shower because I stink.”

“Yeah you do.” She giggles, “Make sure you use cold water, it doesn’t release the odour as much. That’s what my mum used to say anyway.”

“I think your mother was trying to make you use less hot water.” He reasons as he walks towards the bathroom. Jessica smiles to herself. Her dinner with Tom is going to be great.

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