Chapter 12

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Jessica Morrissey is sitting in her chair by the large window in Tom’s apartment. It is just creeping up to midnight and the actor is fast asleep in bed which Jessie should be also but she is unable to sleep because the thought of what happened earlier on today is playing on her mind. Outside to window is London. The city which never sleeps. There is evidence of this by the numerous cars and taxis whizzing past, the whole city is lit up but she is stuck inside. She hits her thigh in frustration attempting to hurt herself but she has not got the strength to do much damage. She takes a couple of deep breaths before rewinding her mind back to when she was in the consultant’s office with Tom.


“Because I love you.” Tom blurts out before covering his manly hands over his mouth in shock. What had he just said? Jessica freezes not knowing what to say; of course she has had a sense that Tom felt this way from the way he acts with her but it did not cross her mind that he was serious about it. She exhales sharply in attempt to calm herself but fails. A celebrity loves her but this celebrity is her only friend, what if it goes all wrong? “Jessie I am so-”

“Don’t.” She interrupts his apology, “Shall we just go home.” She suggests with a weak smile, a smile which he does not return but a nod instead. If heartbreak wasn’t a metaphor then you would be able to hear the flesh tearing and the blood gurgling out. He stands and grips onto the handles of her wheelchair tightly in frustration and pushes her out of the office and into the lift. There is silence in the lift until Tom’s phone annoyingly rings. He moans and answers it.

“Hello.” He begins and listens to the person on the other end of the phone, “Oh hey Luke…yeah we have just finished…it was all what I had already researched.” Jessie rolls her eyes, “Could you tell Leo…thanks bye.”

“What is going on between Luke and Leo?” Jessica giggles nervously but Tom does not respond.

*End of flashback*

Jessie continues to watch citizens out of the window but she is barely taking in any information she is so tired. She doesn’t even hear him walk in behind her. “Jessie?” He questions although he can quite clearly see her figure by the glass, the sudden sound causes her to jump then curse. “Sorry.” He apologises and sits of the arm of the sofa nearest to her. He too looks out of the window and sighs. “What are you doing up then?” He asks her but receives no response not out of spite but because she simply did not hear him. She is zoned out. “Jessie.” He taps her on the shoulder to grab her attention before asking again, “What are you doing up then?”

“I could ask you the same question.” She yawns and he nods even though she is not looking at him. She turns her attention away from the London scene and down out her hands which have suddenly become extremely interesting. “Did you mean what you said?” She mumbles out the blue. Tom looks at her, her dark eyes looking afraid.

“Of course.” He answers, “I would never lie to you Jessie.” This sentence is a whisper but she can hear it perfectly and she realises why; Tom is now kneeling on the ground beside her and is right up close against her ear.

“Okay.” She giggles not knowing what to say next.

“Now, tomorrow we shall talk some more about this and I might take you out if you’re lucky.” He winks cheekily causing her to laugh loudly, “But for now my dear J, you must sleep otherwise you will be exhausted tomorrow.”


“Just trying it out.” He replies with a chuckle, “What do you think?”

“I like it.” She grins, “A lot.”

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