Chapter 21

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“I can’t do it!” Jessica yells with frustration. Today is another physiotherapy appointment but today is the first time that she is trying to stand up on both legs. She has become so used to hopping and so dependent on her wheelchair that it is proving extremely difficult. She is gripping onto the two vertically suspended wooden bars like her life depends on it and she has only managed to lift herself slightly so she is now hovering above the seat of her wheelchair. There are two doctors who are helping her through this process and Tom is standing on the side-lines. He is chewing his nails with worry. “Tom I cannot do this…” She sighs and allows herself to fall back into her chair. The two doctors are not showing any signs of defeat but Tom can see the concern in their eyes.

“Can we have a minute?” He asks the two doctors who nod before scampering out of the room. Tom weaves his way between the two bars so he is directly in front of Jessica. He kneels down so he can have eye contact with his girlfriend before whispering, “Oh my dear J.” She looks at him with sad eyes. “I cannot imagine the pain you are going through but we are going to get through this, together. I know that you do not have faith in yourself but please think back to when you were fifteen and you were training to be a professional athlete.” Her eyes glass over with tears but Tom continues anyway. “You hit some hurdles – if you don’t mind the pun – but you still fought your way to the finish line. I bet if this had happened then you would have been determined to get back on your feet. I think there is still determination in there somewhere.” He places the fingertip of his index finger over her chest where her heart would be.

“Maybe.” Jessica croaks.

“I couldn’t have been able to do this at age fifteen I can tell you…I was not a very happy teenager.” Tom sighs as he reminisces, “I couldn’t have done this as a twenty two year old either but now…I could do it.”

“What has changed?” She questions with a slight tone of resentment.

“Two very important factors in my life have changed: my wonderful acting career.”


“You…my dear J.” Tom gazes into her eyes, “So many people care about you; I do, Leo, Blue, and Felix and heck I think Luke does also.” Jessica giggles at this. “What would Leo say if he was here, in my place?”

“He would probably say something like ‘for fuck sake just stand the fuck up. I want to fuck my new boyfriend.’” Tom and Jessie cringe at the thought before bursting into hysterics. When their laughter gradually dies down Tom finds himself gaping at the site of Jessica’s plush, full lips before him. “See something you like?” She asks before biting her bottom lip seductively.

“Y-y-yes…” Tom dribbles as he leans in closer and closer until their lips touch. It is a loving yet powerful kiss, full of tenderness and affection. When they pull away the door behind Tom opens as the two doctors enter again. “I think we are ready to try again.” Tom announces and Jessica nods with a twinkle in her eye. He rushes out of the way back to his place on the edge of the room as the doctors resume their place beside Jessie. One of them checks over her prosthetic again and the other puts their hands on Jessie’s side and helps her to lift up off the seat. She grips onto the two bars tightly and uses all her strength to get to her good foot and then her prosthetic one. She gasps when she realises that she is standing.

“Tom I am standing up!” She exclaims with happiness and Tom chuckles his famous laugh.

“Yes you are darling. Yes you are.” He confirms with a huge grin.


It is later that day – the evening to be precise – and Tom is holding a little drinks celebration for Jessica’s progress back at the apartment. His friends Benedict Cumberbatch and his wife Sophie, James McAvoy and Luke are here as well as Leo. Jessie is casually drinking a Singapore Sling which James had made her using the contents of Tom’s liquor cupboard. She is actually quite enjoying it. Everyone is giggling and chatting away happily as the doorbell rings. Tom rises to his feet and strides to the door before pulling it open. It is Blue and Felix. “Hey guys.” He greets as they enter the apartment.

“Felix! Blue!” Jessie shouts joyfully.

“Hey Jessipop!” Blue laughs.

“Don’t call me that.” Jessica responds seriously.

“Woah this is a star filled party Jessie!” She continues to laugh as her eyes scan the room. “Loki, Sherlock, Sherlock’s wife, Professor X and Loki’s publicist. And then there is Leo.” Everyone laughs and turns to Leo who now has a look of bemusement on his face making people laugh harder.

“Long time no see Bluebell.” Leo replies spitefully causing a chorus of ‘ooooohs’. “Oh and hey Felix.”

“Can everyone stop saying hello to each other?” James’ thick, Scottish accent seeps through the conversation. “Can I get you two lovely people some drinks? I make a mean Singapore Sling or a Cuba Libre or Sex on a Beach which is what Leo is having tonight with Loki’s publicist tonight.” At this point everyone realises that James is in fact hammered. Luke and Leo – both in unison – roll their eyes and continue to sip at their drinks.

“Jessie what have you got?” Felix asks.

“Singapore Sling.” She slurs, “It is so good!”

“I will have one of those then.” He smiles to James.

“Can I have a virgin Cuba Libre? Don’t want to upset bump here.” She strokes her swollen belly and James nods. He rushes into the kitchen to make the drinks. Blue and Felix sit on the sofa near to Jessie who is sitting in her wheelchair. Today has been such a great day.

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