Chapter 31

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It is a few weeks later and although Tom feels a lot better than he did, he is still cooped up in hospital. His cast was removed yesterday but he has to wear a special support as his bone structure is still weak but he feels more mobile this way. His chest is no longer bound as his ribs have begun to heal, he can breathe independently although he has to take a couple of puffs of his inhaler occasionally and he constantly is dosed up on pain relief. The laceration to his head has become less angry over time and has a lot less dressing on it but it still has to be covered to prevent infection.

Being the kind, concerned man he is, he has been giving regular updates to his fans via twitter as they panicked slightly (a lot) when the news hit. His updates are a lot more...informative that Luke's let's just say. He even sometimes posts pictures of him pulling funny expressions to make them laugh although sometimes he wonders whether it is to persuade Jessie that he is fine also. Tom additionally tweeted telling his fans not to blame his "beautiful girlfriend" and persuaded them that the released photos of the incident were misleading even if this wasn't exactly the case.

It is heading on to be midday when Jessie finally visits Tom for the day which confuses him slightly but he decides not to press on the matter, not yet anyway. She enters his private room to see him reading through the day's paper and he looks up to smile at her. "Good morning." She beams at him and places a bag of goodies down on one of the chairs before leaning over to kiss him, gently, on the lips. "I have some stuff for you."

"Good afternoon love." He corrects her yet discretely but she still seems to notice. She rummages through the bag and pulls out several items. A wash bag with fresh toiletries for Tom, a new pair of pyjamas and some magazines/books. "What's that?" He asks and points at a wrapped, rectangular package.

"Oh!" She exclaims and passes it over to him with care. "It is a gift from James."

"McAvoy?" He asks while beginning to tear at the edge of the paper and she nods. He pulls at one end of the paper with his good hand and successfully gains access to the gift beneath. He slides it out of the paper revealing a special edition of Shakespeare's Macbeth. "Macbeth...please give James my thanks." He runs his hand down the front, it is a hardback so he enjoys the sensation as he runs his fingertips down the edge. "It is beautiful." He praises.

"Apparently it's the Scottish play." Tom chuckles at this, knowing that James has great pride in his heritage.

"Indeed." He places the book carefully at his bedside knowing that he will relish in it later on when Jessie returns home. Home. Oh how he misses it, and he cannot wait to escape the four walls he is currently entrapped in. "Did you see James this morning then?" He questions, his curiosity getting the better of him. If he was a children's book character he would be the monkey – Curious George. Jessica takes a seat in the chair closest to Tom and shakes her head.

"I wasn't...he dropped that round yesterday evening before heading to the airport." She explains and he nods with a smile. "Tom I..."

"You what?" He speaks softly when he notices that her expression is one that he cannot exactly decipher. It is a mix of worry, embarrassment and despair. "You can tell me anything my dear J, you know that." She nods and runs a hand through the ends of her hair.

"This morning I was..." She stares at him in the eyes and he nods urging her to continue. She looks back down at her hands before doing so. "I was at a job interview." She finishes and she peers up to see Tom gaping in shock.

"Wow." He plainly says, absolutely astonished. There has been no talk of a career other than an athletic one so this has really surprised Tom.


"It is just-" He pauses for a moment to try and arrange the words in his head, "I wasn't expecting it. What's the job?" Jessie goes onto explain even though she did not finish school or have any GCSEs (and in the England you generally need about five GCSEs to get a job) that a popular supermarket chain has offered her a job on a till. She thinks that they are just trying to fill some sort of quota of how many disabled civilians they employ. "That won't be the case." Tom frowns, he does not like how she talks down her disability. "You have a winning personality Jessie and you are hardworking. I am sure you will do great."

"Do great at scanning food items while the lasers destroy my hands in the process." She gives Tom a dumb look with her mouth hanging open slightly making him chuckle. "But don't worry I do not start properly for like a month so I can look after you."

"Jessie..." He mumbles, "Do not waste your life looking after me. I will be fine, I'm out of here tomorrow hopefully." Jessie opens her mouth to dispute but Tom beats her to it. "And I know, before you say it, you worry about me but it is my job as the wonderful boyfriend that I am to look after you so please start thinking about yourself. Okay?" She nods but he raises his eyebrow to signal that he needs to hear her say it.

"Okay." Tom opens up his arms beckoning Jessie to hug him so she shuffles to her feet and delicately puts her arms around him knowing that he still has severe bruising to his body. Even with her light touch she can feel Tom tense beneath her obviously in discomfort so she pulls away and smiles sadly. "I will go and ask the nurse to top up your pain relief."

"Thank you." He shares gratitude as she heads towards the door. As she opens it she hears him mutter, "I cannot wait to be able to snuggle you properly." This makes her grin and this grin remains with her all the way to the nurses station where a young, ginger nurse wearing a peppermint green uniform looks up. Jessie notices that her name is Nurse Marvin going by her plastic name badge.

"Can I help you?" She asks with a welsh lilt.

"Yes please, can you top up my boyfriend's pain relief?"

"Can I have the name of the patient please?" The nurse responds while looking through the pile of folders which are each of the patient's notes in this ward.

"Hiddleston. Tom Hiddleston." The nurse hums while flicking through each brown wallet until she reaches Tom's. "Also, could you cancel my appointment with Doctor Murphy? I would rather spend the day with Tom." Nurse Marvin flicks through Tom's notes to read off when his last pain relief was issued and nods.

"I will administer Mr Hiddleston's pain relief in a few moments after I cancel your appointment. Can I have your name please?"

"Yes, my name is Jessica Morrissey." Jessie turns to leave while the nurse picks up the phone and presses it up to her ear when she continues to question.

"Which Doctor Murphy? Cardio, prosthesis or obstetrician?"

"Prosthesis. Thank you."


"Jessie, you have to be in this one." Tom instructs Jessica with his phone poised in his hand. They have just got the all clear that Tom can in fact leave tomorrow so they are alerting his fans after a slight debate with his girlfriend. She reasoned that he should tell them after they arrive home to avoid the paparazzi but he thinks that they have a right to know. He won that debate. He opens up his arm so she can get into shot and takes a humorous selfie of them both with their eye's crossed. "Tomorrow, when you come with fresh clothes for me etcetera could you bring a hat to cover up the stitching?" He asks and she nods writing it on her yellow post it note. She kisses him gently on the forehead before he pulls her down so they share a passionate kiss on the lips so she can head on home for the evening.

"Bye love, see you tomorrow." She says with her belongings in her hands.

"I love you darling." He gushes.

"I love you too." With that she leaves him to his own devices. He eyes the copy of Macbeth at his bedside but firstly decides to tweet his latest update.


Tom Hiddleston (@twhiddleston): Cannot wait to return home with this one tomorrow. Thank you to all the hospital staff who have looked after me so well. :) IMAGE

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