Chapter 29

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A/n I am sorry this part is late. I did write a chapter yesterday but I didn't like it so I rewrote the chapter and went off into a different direction. I hope you enjoy it :)

Jessica arrives back to the apartment block in her brother's car. Their ride was practically silent on the way back because Leo is shocked about how his sister acted at the therapist's office. Jessie notices the lack of Tom's car in the usual spot and smiles to herself. He is not home. It is best this way you see, she would reason. "Do you want me to come up with you Jess?" Leo asks his sister who shakes her head.

"No. I will be fine Leo promise." She smiles at him then kisses his cheek, "Love you." She says before clambering out of the vehicle leaving Leo surprised at his sister's sudden affection but decides not to press on the matter. She hobbles towards the main building and greets the man at reception prior to flying up to the eighth floor of the building in the lift. She unlocks the front door of the apartment shakily realising what she is about to do. Will he be upset? Heartbroken? Or will he just be relieved? Jessie audibly groans and slams the door behind her. She staggers into the kitchen to fetch a bottle of water and a couple of energy bars when she notices a note on the worktop:

Dear J,

I have just gone out to the supermarket to replenish our cupboards.

I hope the session went alright, we can talk about it later if you want.

I love you,

Tom x

She places the note back down on the work top and walks into the bedroom where she opens the wardrobe and pulls out a small suitcase, the one she bought to take her belongings to Switzerland. She chucks it onto the bed and unzips it, flipping the top open. She puts the bottle of water and the energy bars into the side pocket and closes it. She then fills the case with various items of clothing without stopping until her phone chimes. She sighs and pulls the small device out of her back pocket:

Tom: Leo has told me about the session. Don't worry I will be home soon xxx

Soon. Without hesitation, she rushes into the bathroom and stuffs her toiletries into the bag. Then she finds her purse, credit card and passport to shove also into the bag. She zips shut the suitcase and carries it to the door of the apartment but she stops. She stops and turns towards the kitchen where the note that he wrote to her is still in view. She puts down her bag and scampers to the kitchen where she finds the pen Tom used to write his note and a yellow scrap piece of paper with text on one side. On the other side she starts to write:


I am so sorry for everything that I have put you through. I am rubbish girlfriend and an even worse friend. Thank you for everything you have done for me but I need to go. I need to leave. I am not just doing this for me, I am doing it for you. I love you. That is why I must go.

I don't mind if you slag me off to the press or whatever just...don't come find me. Please just don't.


Satisfied with her note she replaces the cap on the pen and heads towards to the reception of the building. Earlier on when she greeted the man at the desk she asked him to get her a cab to take her to the station. It should be here by now. The journey in the lift to the bottom floor feels incredibly slow. When the lift door opens she sees the black cab, sitting by the entrance and she smiles to the doorman as she leaves.

She sees Tom's car parking as she drives off.


Tom carries the three shopping bags up to his apartment up the stairs. He tries to use the stairs as much as possible; he thinks of it as a fitness routine. Skilfully he opens the door while juggling the three bags and calls out, "Jessie!" He receives no reply making him slightly suspicious. He takes the shopping into the kitchen and dumps it onto the work top when he notices the yellow note which definitely was not there when he left. He picks up the note and frowns when he reaches the end before shooting back out of the apartment and towards the lift. He presses the button to summon the lift repeatedly but the number above it tells him that it is in use so he sprints down the stairs. When he reaches the reception, he immediately asks the doorman. "Do you know where my girlfriend went?" He questions and the doorman's face falls.

"She asked me to get her a taxi to the train station..." Tom doesn't wait to hear anymore and runs out to the carpark. He hops into his car and speeds off down the road. Luckily for him, he knows the quickest route to the train station due to the fact he has lived in London for so long and has nearly missed so many trains. He is probably going over the speed limit but he does not care, he needs to find Jessie and tell her that everything is alright. He needs to reassure her.

Sometime later he pulls up into the train station carpark and sees Jessie in the distance paying the taxi driver through the window. He parks his car messily in the nearest space and jumps out of the car. He sprints towards Jessie while apologising to any pedestrians that he nearly knocks over. When he reaches the edge of the path where she is turned and adjusting the length of the handle on her suitcase he makes a grab at her hand to stop her but her fast reflexes defy him and she twists his wrist on itself causing him to yelp. "Tom!" She exclaims when she realises who she just injured as he cradles his wrist. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"I love you Jessie." He winces, "I am not going to let you go."

"You have to!"

"No I don't." He assertively replies.

"I am a monster. Don't you see?"

"What I see is a very beautiful young woman who is feeling guilty for something that has happened but cannot be changed." He rambles suddenly weary of his surroundings. He accepts the fact that this will be reported on somewhere before continuing. "I love you Jessie. I have never felt like this before!"

She shakes her head at him and starts to panic. She should have left sooner. She shouldn't had told the doorman where she was going. She shouldn't had left the note. "Tom please. Just leave me." She tries to walk away but he grasps onto her softly.

"I cannot. I love you too much." He coos but she is having none of it. She tries to shake him off but he just tightens his grip.

"Let go." She shoves him off and he stumbles backwards and off the curb. When it happens.







A/n please comment your thoughts, it means a lot :)

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