Chapter 19

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Jessica Morrissey is standing on the edge. The edge of the steep cliff edge looking over the rough waters below. There is man, not one she recognises who is holding his hand out, trying to pull her into the grey pool. She feels herself leaning and she hears little fragments of conversation; “The authorities are…”, “It is poisoning her…” and “We need to get rid of her…”

She pulls out of the man’s grasp and takes a step back away from the verge, her dark hair is blowing frantically around her head and as she looks around, she has no idea where she is. She peers down into the sea and sees images floating on the surface of a teenage girl laughing with her mates; that girl is her before she got stuck in with her training. A wave crashes up against the cliff edge knocking her backwards and causing her to hit her head on a rock.


Jessica pictures different images in her head. One is her, Felix and Blue getting drunk for the first, they were only fourteen. Too young. The next is the three finding a stray dog and making plans on how they were going to look after it without their parent’s knowing. That is before Leo found out. He is shouting at them and pulls the string lead out of his sister’s hand before taking the puppy to the dog’s home. They were twelve years old. And then the memories get less happy like the time Felix was beaten up for hanging around with two girls, Blue’s small yet frightening anorexic period and then the argument. When the group went their separate ways. Blue shouting, “I forgot training is more important than your friends!” and Jessie replying “It is!” And that was it.

Her vision becomes clearer and there is a tall man – a very tall man – standing over her with a concerned expression. His sharp, defined cheekbones and bright blue eyes makes Jessica’s heart flutter. When she can eventually see clearly she sees Tom, “Tom…” She chokes and he holds out his hand to help her up without saying a word. He pulls her further and further away from the sea and towards his car. “Tom thank you for saving me.” She smiles but he does not reply. “Tom?”

“Just take her.” He states harshly as he shoves Jessica towards a man. The man she saw earlier which makes her scream.

“No!!!” She yelps as she sits up, panting from her nightmare. Tom is at her bedside in a flash, soothing her while stroking her hair. He lies her down and eventually she falls asleep again.


It is the next morning and Jessica clambers out of bed and falls into her wheelchair sleepily. She vaguely remembers the events of last night; Tom calming her after a nightmare but now all she wants is food. She wheels herself out of her room and towards the kitchen where Tom is busy making pancakes. “Morning Jessie.” He greets her without turning around, “I would ask you how you slept but I know that answer.”

“Sorry.” Jessie mumbles.

“Don’t be sorry.” He turns with a smile, “It is not your fault. Anyhow pancakes?” She nods in response, slightly surprised that Tom has not pressured her into discussing her nightmare. He serves up some pancakes on a plate in the centre of the table and gathers up some condiments: lemon juice, sugar and maple syrup. They both dig into some pancakes. “So physiotherapy today.” He announces making Jessie grumble.

“I thought you said we would do something romantic.” She mutters.

“This is romantic.” He reasons, “We are doing physiotherapy together.” He emphasises the last word before stuffing another mouthful of pancake into his mouth.

“Basically so you can feel me up.”

“No!” He exclaims, completely horrified that she would think such a thing, “I am supporting you…”

“I know you are Tom. Don’t worry.” She smiles and continues to munch the pancake away.

“Do not fret my dear J, I have plans for after physiotherapy! Which includes fine dining.” He winks and taps his nose in an exaggerated way making Jessie laugh.


So far the night of fine dining and fancy clothes has been totally exquisite. Tom has treated Jessica to a lovely night out with all the trimmings as she “deserves it” to quote Tom himself. They are now leaving the restaurant in their sharp attire and have so far managed to avoid being noticed; although Jessie is adamant that the waitress knew who Tom was but he disagrees. But then he is the expert. He is pushing Jessica down the street but to her bafflement he diverts away from the direction of the car. “Where are we going?” She asks with a puzzled look on her face.

“You’ll see.” He chuckles as he leads her through the park. She looks around and realises that it has been a long time since she has been to a park.

She misses it.

Tom stops suddenly in an unoccupied, dark yet pleasant area of the park and scoops Jessica out of her chair. “Tom!” She exclaims but giggles, “What are you doing?” She asks but he just chuckles in response and begins to walk through the trees towards his destination. “What about my chair?”

“No one will take it.” He reasons and continues his journey while carrying the young woman. They reach a confined, private area deep within the trees which has a log by a small, manmade pond. The pond is beautiful and contains a couple of amphibians and fishes. Tom sits Jessie down on the log and then takes a seat next to her. It is not dark, like you would expect it to be as the moon is shining directly into the little hollow in which they are sitting making their faces dimly lit.

“Why have you brought me here?” She asks shyly.

“It is beautiful.” He smiles, “Like you.” Generally at this point Jessica would make some witty comment about how cheesy Tom is being but for some reason right here, right now all she can think of his Tom. The handsome man sitting next to her. Tom takes hold of her hand and gazes into her eyes. “Jessie I-” He pauses as he gets lost into her eyes but finds his bearings again so continues. “Jessie I will always protect you as long as you will let me. I will always be here for you as long as you allow me. I will always love you as long as you want me to.” He reels off but in a light, soft tone making her smile uncontrollably. “My eyes drew to you the day we met. The girl I met at the train station is not the young woman I am with today but I know that I always have had an eye for you.” He draws in a breath. “What I am trying to say is: Jessica you are the most beautiful, interesting and downright funny woman I have ever had the fortune of meeting. You say you aren’t but you are and I really like you…so will you be my girlfriend?” Through the entirety of his speech their eyes have not moved apart and the cool air around them has become warmer.

“Yes of course.” She smiles and he lets out a breath he did not know he was holding in relief. The next minute they are leaning in closer and closer until their lips meet. It is like a firework going on Tom’s mind and an electrical buzz rocketing its way around Jessica’s body. Right here, right now she is the luckiest woman on the planet.

She has Tom Hiddleston as a boyfriend.

A/n hey guys!

They are officially together! What do you guys think of the pace of this story? I think it is going at a good pace because it really irritates me when fanfictions go at a ridiculously fast pace (unless they are oneshots) so on chapter two the main characters are already together etc. but then again I didn't want it to be too slow so you guys didn't get bored. Please tell me what you think of the pace in the comments or via DM. 

It really means a lot your guys' comments and votes and messages via DM because it makes me want to write more and cheers me up. So please keep reading and giving me feedback but if anyone has any critisms then please just say as long as it isn't a bitchy comment then I won't mind. :)

Anyway ilysm <3 xXx ~ Mae

P.S. follow me on instagram: officially_sherlocked 

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