Chapter 34

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It is a beautiful, sunny morning in London so Tom took the opportunity to go for a morning run and has returned with a bag of breakfast pastries for himself and Jessica when she awakens. The kettle starts to boil alerting Jessie that her boyfriend has returned home from his much needed run so she sits up, drags her legs to the side and starts to attach her prosthetic onto her right leg which was leaning against her bedside table. She hums the melody of a song which Tom played on his guitar last night when he thought she was asleep. He played it quietly so it would not wake Jessie but little did he know that she was taking in every note, every strum and every chord.

The kettle quietens to a near nothing when Jessie has finally completed her task so she walks, lazily towards the kitchen where she knows Tom will be pouring the contents of the kettle into two mugs to make a British cuppa. Tom turns when he hears the sound of movement behind him and smiles at his girlfriend. "Morning J." He greets her while letting the tea brew.

"Good morning." She replies and lets him engulf her into a hug. She pulls back slightly and stretches up to kiss Tom who leans down to meet her lips. The pair just stay in their embrace for a few minutes until he pulls back to continue to make the tea leaving Jessie to sit down on one of the wooden chairs.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks her as he removes the two tea bags and adds the milk.

"Kind of." She shrugs her shoulders before asking, "How about you?" Tom sets down the two cups of tea onto the table with the plate of warm pastries.

"I slept well, thank you darling." He sits down opposite her while watching her ponder which pastry to have. Well that is what he thinks anyway. She is actually wondering why, if he slept so well, why he was playing the guitar at two o'clock this morning. "Something taking your fancy?" Tom asks after taking a sip of his steaming tea.

"You." Jessie replies with a giggle making Tom cringe. They both burst into laughter. "I am just making up for the fact that none of these pastries have cheese in." Her eyes gleam with mischief.

"No, because they are sweet pastries."

"What? Sweet like me." She continues to giggle like a twelve year old school girl earning a grin from Tom.

"Ooh Miss Morrissey is feeling cheesy today." He takes a bite out of an apple and cinnamon breakfast pastry.

"I am indeed Mr Hiddleston." She replies then picks up glazed, pastry with a custard filled centre; she relishes in the taste. "Thanks for breakfast Tom." She mumbles with a mouthful of food.

"Only the best for my darling." They both mop up the breakfast pastries in no time at all; Jessie because she barely ate the day before and Tom because of his early morning run. After all crumbs have been consumed, mugs have been emptied and both stomachs full the pair just sit and converse freely like they do most mornings but something is niggling at the back of Jessie's mind. So far they have talked about her colleagues at the supermarket, the surprise visit by James and the new member to the Cumberbatch family but Tom has noticed that Jessie's attention is not all there. "Something wrong?" He questions with a concerned look.

"Well...why were you up at two on your guitar? It isn't like you."

"Sorry darling." He apologises with a sigh, "Did I wake you?"

"No but I'm worried about you. Not that I minded the beautiful playing or anything, you should play more often." She praises to attempt to lighten Tom's spirits but he still looks gloomy sitting, tensed up in the chair.

"I was just thinking...that's all."

"About?" She urges.

"I've got to go to America for a couple of days." He announces and Jessie nods, "I've got meetings for future projects and a couple of photoshoot requests. Luke has been on my back about it for months but I've been pushing it back."

"Why?" She scrunches her brow.

"I don't want to leave you here in case..." He runs a hand through his hair, "In case you try to run away again."

"Oh." Jessie is astonished, the thought had never crossed her mind and now Tom is implying that he thought that she would do it if she had the chance. She feels happier now where she is, she loves Tom.

"I would bring you with me but you now have a job of your own – which is great – but I don't think your new employer would be very happy to give you time off after you have only just started the job." His hands have been fumbling on top of the table, attached together for the last few minutes so Jessie leans forward and puts her left hand on his hands to steady them. She runs her thumb along his hands and feels him relax.

"Tom, I love you. You don't have to worry that I might run was a moment of weakness. I was distraught after...after..." Tom shushes her soothingly knowing that any recollections of the training session that caused her to collapse and loose the baby could make her burst into tears.

"I know." He whispers.


Today is the day that Tom and Luke are leaving the British Isles to head for the States – Los Angeles to be precise. Leo was allocated the job to drop both men to the airport and after much persuasion, it was agreed that Jessie could go with them to the airport so she can say farewell to her boyfriend. The two men have already checked in but are now waiting until the last minute to walk through the gates away from Jessie and Leo. "Are you sure you will be okay?" Tom asks for what seems to be the sixtieth time.

"Yes!" Jessie exclaims, "It is an only a couple of days, I'm sure I can cope."

"Don't worry Tom." Leo assures, "I will check in on her every day." Jessie is slightly annoyed that people think that she cannot look after herself but then she remembers that it is just because Tom cares for her so dearly. She is a bit nervous about being left alone granted but she has made plans to fill up her time for when she is not at work which include visiting Blue, Felix and their new born – Jack.

A chiming sound resonates through the airport prior to an announcement being made alerting the group that Tom and Luke need to board their flight. The actor sighs and looks down at his girlfriend who is smiling at him to try and reassure him. Luke and Leo hug briefly before the publicist pulls apart and slings his bag and Tom's bag onto his shoulders getting slightly anxious about missing the flight. "Come on Tom." He beckons.

"One second." Tom states before hugging Jessie lovingly. He then leans down to plant a soft kiss onto her lips and mumbles. "I love you J." They pull apart when Luke starts to tap his foot impatiently.

"I love you too." She replies, "Have a good trip."

"We will." Luke interrupts the precious moment making Leo roll his eyes.

"I will message you every day." Tom promises and Jessie nods, knowing that this is true. "See you in a couple of days." He states as Luke pulls him away and the pair rush towards the gate. Leo puts his arm around his sister supportively as she mumbles.

"I love you Tom."

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