Chapter 2

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Tom looks up at Jessie, his mouth wide open with shock. Their eyes meet and the young woman notices the worry in the man’s eyes. “What is it?” She squeaks with an uneasy tone to her voice. Tom shakes his head and runs his left hand through his dark curls. “Tom please.” Jessie begs causing Tom to sigh.

“I don’t know.” He croaks, “I have never seen anything like it.” He audibly gulps and a shiver ripples down his spine. He feels lost. “Jessica. I think you have been experimented on.”

“What?” She scoffs disbelievingly in response. “You must be mad Thomas! I cannot think of who-” She stops suddenly as a thought hits her like a bus. She remembers being kidnapped.

Jessica Morrissey jogs through the park like she does every morning as part of her training. She is aspiring to be the next big athlete for the Great British team. She specializes in short distance sprints such as one hundred and two hundred metre track events but she can do long distance running too as well as long jump. She holds the school record. Her new trainers which she received for her birthday from her uncle match her top of the range sports kit and her blue iPod which she is listening to currently. Her favourite colour is blue so generally the majority of her clothes – including her trainers – are blue too.

She continues to jog through the park passing very little people because it being so early in the morning. She turns the corner and goes through the dark tunnel. That is when it happens. Two men in black walk towards her so she stops jogging and turns but sees there is more coming in the other direction. She tries to scream but it is too late. A drug is injected into her arm pulling her into deep sleep.

“Jessie!” Tom shouts bringing Jessica out of her day dream. Her breathing has become ragged and she suddenly pulls up her trouser leg to reveal that her right leg is not her right leg anymore but a green, scaly mess like a lizard. She lets go of the trouser leg and clasps both her hands over her mouth in shock. She wants to scream. “It is going to be okay.” Tom attempts to sooth but he is frigid himself. “We will get you to a doctor.”

“I don’t feel too good.” Jessie murmurs before passing out.


Hours later and Jessica Morrissey awakes in a private hospital room. She peers around at all the expensive and is surprised to see how much has changed in seven years in the world. Tom is sitting by her bedside reading through a bind of paper, deep in thought. Jessie begins to splutter attracting his attentions and he quickly dumps the paper and passes her a glass of water. “Thank you.” She mutters. He nods. “What is happening?” She asks.

“Well. Many of the best doctors have examined you and they are currently discussing…things in an office somewhere.” Tom explains, “I have spoken to the police and given a statement on what has happened today and what you have told me. Your family have been notified and they are over the moon to know that you are safe but also a bit shocked about the current predicament. They are going to be a while because you’re not from around here.” He informs her.

“Where are we?” She asks.

“London.” He replies, “And you are from Birmingham so they are going to be a couple of hours. In the meantime Jessica, I will have to help you make some decisions.” She nods in understanding and looks down at her leg which has been wrapped up in some kind of towelling. She is glad of this because this way she does not have to look at it. Tom picks the paper back up and continues to read earning Jessie’s interest.

“What’s that?” She questions.

“A script.” He responds as he turns the page. He looks at Jessica’s confused face realising that she has formed numerous questions. “I am an actor.”

“A good one?” She inquires and Tom raises an eyebrow, “I mean are you famous? Because obviously I wouldn’t know…losing seven years of my life and all.” She says sadly. Tom reaches over and places his hand on her arm and rubs his thumb along it to calm her down.

“I guess you could say that I am known…but that doesn’t change anything.” He explains and she smiles knowing that she has the support from someone important. The door opens and Tom quickly pulls his hand away and get back to his script. In walks a middle aged doctor with a stethoscope hooked around his neck.

“Miss Morrissey, I am Doctor Murphy and I have been brought it to treat you.” Jessie nods, “We have been discussing and we all think it is truly dreadful that someone has done this to you but we have to get it sorted out as quickly as possible.” The doctor takes off his glasses and rubs the lenses of them on his shirt before replacing them back on the bridge of his nose. “I know that this is going to be difficult to hear but you have been experimented on for a long time. I don’t know why that is for the police force to find out but all I know that you were dumped this morning at the train station because their experimentations have failed.” Tom discards his script and leans forward in anticipation.

“What do you mean?” Jessica questions, “What do you mean ‘their experimentation have failed’?”

“You passed out at Mr Hiddleston’s home because there is a poison rocketing its way around your blood stream and we are able to flush it out but we need to rid you of the source.” He rushes, “Which means that we will have to amputate your leg below the knee. I am so sorry.”

“No!” She exclaims, “What about my running! I wanted to be an athlete!” She yells and Tom looks at her gloomily. “You!” She points her finger accusingly at Tom, “You said that it is never too late! And now look at me!”

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