Chapter 24

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It is very early the next morning and Tom is already up and ready to get to work. He is being as quiet as possible not wanting to disturb his beautiful girlfriend. His thoughts linger to what happened last night after they swiftly departed the social gathering. Jessie had told Tom about the abuse her mother put upon her as a teen and then the pair snuggled up together in Tom's bed until they feel asleep in each other's arms. It was the first time that they had slept in the same bed. He leans down and scribbles a note for Jessie before leaving the hotel room.

The shutting of the door wakes Jessica up in a panic but her breathing levels when she remembers where she is and spies the note resting against the bedside lamp. She pushes herself up into a sitting position sleepily and reaches across to grasp the note:

Dear J,

I had to go to make up early today because...well you will see why later on. Hugh (Laurie) is not due on set until just before lunch and he has offered to bring you. He will meet you in lobby at twelve.

Love you,

Tom x

She smiles at the word 'love' as she still finds it slightly strange that such a well-known star loves her of all people. Jessica Morrissey.


It is approaching midday so Jessie is waiting at the hotel reception for Hugh Laurie. She has decided to make an effort because it is her first time on a film set; she is wearing a long blue dress with a cute collar. It covers up her prosthetic nicely so she feels confident with who she is. "Jessie." Hugh greets with a grin. "Ready to come to set?"

"Yes I think so." She squeaks.

"You look lovely by the way." He compliments, "Now then, to set!" He declares in an over the top kind of way making Jessie giggle. The pair walk to the car which is parked just outside the front of the hotel and Hugh helps Jessica in. The drive to the set is pretty quiet but it feels comfortable. Jessie's phone buzzes to alert her that she has a text. It is the first time she has checked her phone since she has arrived in Switzerland so she is swarmed with messages.

From Leo: I have heard from Luke that you have taken a sabbatical to Switzerland. Would have been nice to be told but there we go.

Jessica rolls her eyes before replying.

To Leo: I knew your boyfriend would tell you :p


From Felix: Hi Jessie. I know that you are having fun holidaying but I thought you should know that Blue has given birth to a beautiful baby boy named Jack. I was so scared Jessie you have no idea! As soon as you get home you must visit.

To Felix: Congratulations! I wish I could see the baby now :( I will visit as soon as possible x


From James McAvoy: Hey. We haven't spoken in a while so I thought I would say hi...hi! Anyway, I was wondering if you want to go out for a coffee sometime. X

To James: I would love to James! But I am in Switzerland at the moment with Tom but as soon as I come home, we can set a date.

Surprisingly James replied instantly.

From James: Awesome! Enjoy yourself x

The car pulls up to a bundle of caravans and trailers near a mountain side, this is when Jessie remembers why they are in Switzerland. So they can film up that mountain. She wishes she had worn something warmer but before she can protest her car door is opened by Hugh and she stumbles out. "Where is Tom?" She asks prior to a pair arms being wrapped around her waist and a kiss being planted on her head.

"Here I am." Tom growls seductively.

"Tom!" She playfully smacks his arm and turns to face him. "You are blond!"

"Well yes..." Tom runs a hand through his blond hair, "This is my natural hair colour but I haven't been blond since 2010 or something like that." Jessica still hasn't moved. "Do you not like it?" She lifts up her hand and ruffles his hair.

"Of course I do silly billy!" She exclaim, "You look so hot Mr Hiddleston."

"You don't look to bad yourself Miss Morrissey."

A/n Hey guys! I know it is short and dull but I have got a great idea for the plot in the near future and it should be awesome. The image I attached to this chapter is Tom on the set of The Night Manager and what do you guys think of the new bookcover?

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