Chapter 5

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Today is the day that Jessica Morrissey is being discharged from hospital. First thing this morning a nurse – who had been looking after the young woman throughout her visit – helped Jessie dress. New clothes had to be bought for Jessie as she had been missing for a long time and this morning her older brother, Leo, brought them into the hospital before going to work. He has just got a job in a law firm and lives in London which means that he is checking up on his little sister as regularly as he can but he is a very busy man. Currently, the nurse is helping Jessie into her wheelchair when Tom rushes in all flustered. “What’s wrong Tom?” She asks him with an eyebrow raised.

“You know how I said if you get discharged first thing in the morning, there wouldn’t be much press.” She nods at him already knowing what is coming next, “Well I was wrong. There are piles of paparazzi, it is like they knew you were being discharged today!” The nurse nervously rubs her right hand up and down her left arm and shifts from one foot to the other. Tom gives her a questioning look.

“We had to tell them Mr Hiddleston.” The nurse states apprehensively, “They were bothering other people. Patients and visitors and staff have been pestered everyday being asked for information. This is a hospital not a stage. We had to tell them that Miss Morrissey was being discharged today so they would not come back tomorrow.” Suddenly, there is a heavy sigh by the doorway of the room and everyone turns to see Leo standing there. Absolutely fuming.

“That is patient confidentiality!” He yells as his lawyer side begins to kick in, “That is against the law.” He marches forward and Jessie grabs onto his arm to calm him down. Although she has not been with him the last seven years, she remembers what an angry person he is.

“You’re right.” Tom replies sadly, “That is patient confidentiality but this is my fault for bringing all those people here. I am sorry that they have been bothering all those people please pass on my sincerest apologies.” The nurse nods and scuttles out of the room speedily. Tom takes a seat on the bed and Leo sits in the visitors chair, the room is silent for a few moments. “Wait your Scottish!” Tom points his finger at the brother.

“Yeah?” The Scotsman questions, “We are half siblings. My father’s Scottish.”

“Oh.” Tom replies and peers over at Jessie who is silently twiddling her thumbs.

“Leopold Bailey.” Leo puts his hand out for Tom to shake. The actor leans forward and shakes his hand in a manly fashion. “You brought all those people here Mr Hiddleston. I don’t want Jess living with you if this is what you bring.”

“Hang on a-” Tom attempts to interject but fails.

“She can live with me. I understand that she does not want to live with mum and her father but she should still live with a family member. Not with someone she has known for five minutes.” The lawyer rambles on forcefully.

“No!” Jessie cries with tears now falling down her cheeks. Tom sees this and stumbles to her side to comfort her, “It is my decision! And I want to stay with Tom!” He pulls a fresh tissue out of his pocket and carefully dabs her eyes with it. Her brother becomes silenced and looks at his feet anxiously. “I will visit you Leo…I know you want to help. But if you want to help me right now then you can use your law and public speaking skills to sort that lot outside out.” She almost pleads but she still has some reputation. Her brother nods reluctantly and struts out of the room causing Tom and Jessica to burst out laughing.

Outside, Leo approaches the crowds of press and clears his throat purposely. “Hello there!” He shouts getting everyone’s attention. Cameras are pointed at him and microphones are shoved into his face. “My name is Leopold Bailey and I am a lawyer with the firm Oliver and Roth. I know why you are standing out here but you are just getting in the way. You are disrupting and indeed pestering the sick, the bereaved and the staff of this hospital. Yes there is a celebrity visiting this hospital but he is just a visitor and in about five minutes time he is going to come out of there wheeling my sister Jessica Morrissey out but she has had a very difficult time lately and she cannot be doing with you lot snapping picture and shouting at her. Mr Hiddleston has just been helping Jess out. Is that wrong?” He pauses briefly and some mutters fill the audience, “When they have left, you will be leaving to. And I expect each of your companies to write a letter of apology to this hospital for all the disruption and upset you have caused.” Suddenly a car park itself in front of the hospital’s entrance and Luke Windsor, Tom’s publicist steps out and waltzes his way up to the crowd much to Leo’s dismay. He pulls out his ID and flashes it to the paparazzi arrogantly.

“Luke Windsor, Tom Hiddleston’s publicist.” He greets everyone, “I just want to add to whatever this man has said-”

“Leopold Bailey.” Leo interrupts and holds out his hand, “Jessica’s brother.” Luke shakes the hand and sighs audibly.

“This current situation is not going to get in the way of Tom’s schedule.” The cameras begin to flash wildly as Tom strolls out of the hospital wheeling Jessica who is cowering in her hoody. He opens the back door to the car and helps Jessie in, ignoring or the shouts from the various paparazzi. He then pushes the wheelchair to the back of the car and opens the boot. He folds the chair and places it into the boot carefully and with precision before shutting it and getting into the passenger side of the car. Luke and Leo look at each other awkwardly. “Do you need a lift?” Luke offers.

“Please.” Leo replies and they both turn away from the cameras and walk towards the car. Leo sits next to his sister while Luke climbs into the driver’s side. Seconds later and the car speeds off leaving all the chaos behind.

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