Chapter 15

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Actor Tom Hiddleston, known for his role in the Thor and Avengers franchise as the God of Mischief Loki, has been sited with a young, mysterious woman.

Yesterday, numerous photographs were taken of Hiddleston on his day out with a mystery woman...well girl.

The female looks like she is in her early twenties and in all photos has a constant smile plastered across her face which is surprising because of her current predicament. As you can see in the images below and indeed the title this young woman is wheelchair bound and later photographs show that she has had her leg amputated below the knee on her right side. This made people and certainly fans question whether this damsel is a love interest of the actor or a fan.

Research has revealed that this woman is ex-aspiring athlete, Jessica Morrissey, who disappeared from her home city of Birmingham seven years ago at aged fifteen shortly after winning the national under-16s title for short distance sprint. She was undoubtedly on track for London 2012 but sadly that time has passed and so have her dreams. Morrissey is the person who was visited by Tom Hiddleston in hospital about two months ago and it seems that he has never left her side since.

Does this confirm that Hiddleston is officially off the market? Is this going to affect his work? How are his fans going to react?

More on this shortly.


Jessica Morrissey clasps her hands over her mouth in shock after reading the article. It was only last night that she and Tom had said the special three words to eachother and they aren't technically going out. She wonders how her brother is going to react and Luke. Surely he will kill Tom for this information getting out. "Tom!" She shouts at the top of her lungs but is not followed by any movement from the actor who was - the last time she checked - lounging around in his bedroom. "Tom!" She repeats but still nothing. He has probably got his headphones in. "Tom!" She yells louder and she faintly hears the sound of movement. "Tommy!"

"Okay I am coming!" Tom shouts back while waving his hands in the air, "And don't call me that." He instructs and leans into the laptop screen behind Jessie. She feels his hot breath stroking her cheek causing her to blush. "Shit." He mutters and runs his left hand through his unruly locks before pulling his phone out of his back pocket and dials Luke's number. "Hi..." He chuckles nervously remembering the feud that is currently occurring between himself and his publicist. "I was wondering if you have read the could be worst...okay...bye." Tom hangs up and sighs.

"What did he say?" Jessie asks as she gnaws at her bottom lip nervously.

"Everything is going to be fine J!" Tom cheerfully exclaims, "In fact tonight I have been invited to a party. Will you come with me?"

"What kind of party?" She raises cautiously.

"Benedict and Sophie are having some sort of post wedding party." Tom briefly explains, "It will not be too hectic. Promise." He smiles with a look of worry in his eyes.

"Okay." She grins, "Sounds good. As long as it is wheelchair friendly."

"I will text Ben and check." He kisses the top of her head, "It is going to be a laugh."


Tom wheels Jessie into the large, mansion-like house where the party is being held. The pair had agreed to come a little early to help out and first Jessie thought that she wouldn't be much help but then she realised that Tom wanted her to get there before things got too busy to ease her into the business of his life. "Tom!" Benedict chuckles as the pair bro hug. "And you must be the wonderful Jamie." Jessica giggles nervously and is about to correct him when Tom beats her to it.

"It is actually Jessie." Tom looks down at her and she nods.

"Oh sorry!" Benedict grits his teeth in an apologetic fashion. "He calls you J so I kind of gathered-"

"Don't worry." She assures him.

"And girls can be called Jamie to and-"

"Do not worry Benedict!" She interrupts him and he nods.

"Please call me Ben." She nods, "The party will not be too busy tonight, just some close friends; Sherlock cast, the Acklands, the Rhodes, Keira Knightley and a couple of others. But should be fun eh." When he finishes his little ramble Sophie approaches him from behind wearing a stunning dress nicely covering her baby bump.

"Hi I am Sophie." She leans down and kisses Jessie on both of her cheeks. "If you need anything, just ask me or Ben and of course Tom." Jessica beams making Tom smile; knowing that Jessie is fitting in makes him feel so much better than he did this morning after reading the article. "Oh do you drink?" Sophie asks and turns to the table of assorted alcohols.

"Erm...I have never really had the chance." She mumbles in response and shrugs her shoulders so Benedict passes over a glass of white wine. She stares at the glass for a second before taking a sip. At first she grimaces at the taste but then she begins to feel relaxed and starts to enjoy the taste. This is going to be a good night.

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