Chapter 22

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A/n sorry that it is late :/ Easter kind of took over. Hope you all had a brilliant Easter and got lots of chocolate :)

Please check out @puny_god 's new Tom Hiddleston fanfiction! It is amazing and I know that she has put a lot of work into it.

Anyway, enjoy ^.^

It is very early in the morning, in fact it is so early that the sun is only just starting to illuminate the busy streets in central London. Some people are beginning to get up for work or school whilst the others lay lazily enveloped in their thick duvet covers. Tom is awake and waltzes into Jessie's bedroom already dressed in a pair of jeans, a white t-shit and his leather jacket wrapped quite snuggly around his broad shoulders. He taps his girlfriend lightly wanting to wake her nicely and she groans before muttering, "What time is it?" The croakiness in her voice makes Tom chuckle.

"Half past six in the morning, I am going out." Tom explains after planting a loving kiss on her forehead.

"Why did you wake me up?" She grumbles.

"I want to know if you want me to ask someone to come around later seeing I am going to be out until this evening." He asks and she sits up in bed suddenly awake. She rubs both of her eyes in turn and stares straight in her boyfriend's eyes. She almost forgets how blue they are between seeing him.

"I am sure I will cope." She mocks, "Anyway where are you going?"

"Meeting with Luke first thing, then a lunch meeting at Marvel about the next Thor film and then a photoshoot." He rambles. "A fun packed day." He says in a sarcastic tone prior to adding, "I would rather spend it with you."

"I would say the same Mr Hiddleston." She smiles, "If you hadn't just waken me up at half six in the morning. You dick." Jessica glowers at him and he fakes being hurt after rolling his eyes. Tom has no idea how this girl got herself out of bed every morning early so she could run before school. No idea whatsoever, she is not a morning person.

"Anyway see you later dear J." He gushes and exits the room. Jessica smirks mischievously before setting to work; Tom will not know what has hit him.


The front door creaks open and a very exhausted looking Tom Hiddleston enters wearing the same clothes he left in except for his leather jacket is now slung over his forearm ready to hang up. He flings his arm out and catches the jacket in his hand before hooking it on the peg near the door. "Jessie!" He calls out. She has not messaged him all day knowing that he would be busy but when Tom messaged her she did not reply. She has been too busy, this has caused him to get worried.

"In here!" Jessica replies with a smile in her voice. Tom follows her voice to the kitchen where the lights have been dimmed, there are candles lit on the table and a steaming hot dish of lasagne sitting in the centre. Tom is speechless. "Say something." Jessie asks with a tone of worry. She is leaning against the counter relieving the weight off her prosthetic with a coy grin on her face. Tom walks up to her without saying a word and engulfs her in a gigantic hug. She grips onto him like her life depends on it and Tom notices this so lifts her up with one arm and uses his other to untuck a chair from underneath the table. He carefully sits her on the chair. "Thank you."

"No Jessie..." He trails and kisses her on the lips slowly, "Thank you." He mumbles against them and smiles. He pulls away and takes a seat on the opposite side of the table.

"It was a collective effort." She admits, "I couldn't do everything by myself." Tom picks up the serving spoon and gets himself a large dollop of steamy lasagne after giving Jessie some of course. Ladies first. "Felix and Blue came around. Blue brought the candles because apparently Tom Hiddleston does not own any!" She exaggerates with her arms. "We then sent Felix out with a shopping list, it would be easier that way now that I have been labelled as your girlfriend. He came back with the ingredients and I made the food. They refused to buy wine because according to Blue if she can't drink then neither should anyone else in the world." She jokes and Tom chuckles with a mouthful of pasta. "So I called James McAvoy, figured he would have a bottle lying around somewhere after our little gathering a couple of weeks ago."

"Well it is lovely darling." He smiles.

"I am surprised!" She exclaims earning a questioning glance from Tom, "Oh I haven't cooked in seven and a bit years." She sighs and Tom places his fork down on his plate before reaching across the table and grasping his girlfriend's hand in his own. He suddenly looks guilty and sad. "Tom what is wrong? It isn't the food is it?"

"Of course not." He laughs weakly, "I have to go away Jessie for work, to Switzerland."

"What why?" She asks with a look of bafflement, "I thought Thor filming didn't start for-"

"Not for Thor." He takes a sharp intake of breath, "For 'The Night Manager', it is this BBC six-part drama. I have to scale the Alps believe it or not." He chuckles but he can feel Jessie's hand be removed from his.

"How long for?" He can hear the panic in her voice.

"Not for long." He smiles, "Not sure exactly how long but I was wondering if you want to come with me."

"But I will get in the way."

"Jessie I would much rather you came with me, I would worry too much if you didn't." He smiles sadly and she nods in agreement. "So is that a yes?"

"Yes but I will need an up to date passport won't I...and it hasn't arrived yet?" She stammers. She does not want to be left alone in the apart for god knows how long yet she does not want to be crowded by new people either.

"Luke has already chased it up, should be here tomorrow possibly the next day." He explains and Jessica nods again but this time more surely.



Actor Tom Hiddleston known for his role as Loki in the Marvel franchise is about to start work on the BBC's new six-part drama, 'The Night Manager' by John le Carré but is expected to take new girlfriend Jessica Morrissey.

Recently Hiddleston announced at MCM Comic Con Birmingham that he has in fact got a new girlfriend who is the mysterious patient he visited in hospital a couple of months ago. His publicist Luke Windsor said: "They were not romantically attached at the time, their fondness for each other just grew as they knew each other more." Many were worried that this would affect his film career but this is apparently not the case.

However his next project is not for the film industry but for the television. Other than Hiddleston, John le Carré's 'The Night Manager' is going to star Huge Laurie (House, The Black Adder), Olivia Coleman (Broadchurch, Peep Show) and Tom Hollander (Rev, About Time). The drama is expected to be a real knockout for the BBC and indeed these name's careers.

Earlier today Hiddleston tweeted: 'Ready to enjoy the Swiss air with my one and only' with an image of the pair attached obviously at the airport. Most are glad of his new relationship while others are not so happy.

More to come...


A/n thought?

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