Chapter 35

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Delayed. Jessie feels like kicking the metal litter bin which has been placed next to a pillar in this busy airport to keep it out of harm's way. The screen displaying all flights information is about two metres up this concrete column; right now Jessie feels like ripping it off. It has been a week, not a couple of days like planned but a week since Tom left the British Isles to do some work in the States. Apparently Luke roped him into doing more interviews and more photoshoots making Jessie threaten to herself to rip of his head when he returns – she probably shouldn't had threatened that when Leo was present. Wow that was a fun afternoon.

Fortunately though, the week has been very productive for Jessie. She has worked for three days, visited Felix and Blue plus their baby Jack who is adorable to say the least and Leo has been around most evenings to keep his little sister company. Tom has messaged Jessie every day to make sure that she alright but they have not had time to skype so they miss seeing each other's faces and interacting with each other not through some misleading messaging application.

You can probably understand why after all that, Jessie is a little (very) pissed off with three people; Luke for shovelling more work into Tom's already hectic diary, whichever idiot's fault that the plane is delayed in the first place and Leo for being a whiney little shit standing next to her complaining that there are no free chairs while suggesting that they should go and sit in the car. "That way we could sit down." Leo finishes his argument. It is quite difficult to argue with lawyers but athletes have great determination and stamina so one up to Jessica Morrissey.

"How about you stop being lazy and stand with me. The delay may only be small, plus I am the one with one leg here! Quit your whining." She debates making Leo shut up...for a small while.

"You're all bum and parsley." His Scottish accent seems thicker than ever when he uses this slang.

"Your Scottish slang does not work on me and I am not all mouth and trousers." She corrects him using the English slang before reminding him, "You know that you are only half a Scotsman right?"

"Yes." He hisses, "Your friend James made that quite clear." Jessie giggles at the memory of James McAvoy having a 'Scottish Off' with her brother, he obviously winning by a landslide. They stand and just watch the sign hoping it will suddenly say arrived but instead it just clarifies how delayed it is: Delayed – 35 minutes. "Thirty five minutes!" Leo exclaims.

"That isn't too bad..." Jessie grimaces although she herself is unsure.

"Not too bad?!" Leo roars making people look at him so he turns his voice into a sharp whisper, "They will still have to go through security which will take forever because they have come from a country not in the EU and there is baggage claim."

"You can go if you want but I am staying here." She assertively responds and turns away from him making him sigh. His eyes scan the arrival lounge for chairs and they light up when he sees one free but only one.

"Ooh a chair!" He exclaims and makes his way over to it when he stops to think briefly, "Do you want to sit on it Jess?" Too late. A middle aged woman with her brunette hair tied in a bun wearing very professional clothes takes a seat making Leo huff. "I cannot believe this. Why are none of these dumbfounded people giving up their seat for you?! Can't they see you have a bloody prosthetic?"

"Leopold Bailey!" Jessie jeers, "I do not want to be treated any differently from you or any other none disabled person. So can you stop using my weaknesses to release your anger?!" Leo nods his head solemnly while murmuring an apology when two seat become available in a prime spot making the two siblings grin as they make their way over and takes a seat on the frankly uncomfortable chairs but it will do.

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