Chapter 25

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It is a bright sunny morning in Switzerland and Tom has the day off. He feels guilty that he has brought Jessica to this beautiful country but has neglected her due to work. He wakes up with a yawn at an early six o'clock. He is used to waking up at this time. Not wanting to wake his sleeping girlfriend, he reaches for his phone and begins to scroll through his twitter feed. There are numerous tweets about Avenger Age of Ultron premiere and the press tour that links to it. He was asked if he wanted to attend the premiere but he declined the offer reasoning that he does not want any praise for a film that he did not contribute to. He decides to take a photo of his outline underneath the duvet cover and attach it to a tweet:

Tom Hiddleston (@twhiddleston): Enjoying my day off IMAGE #thenightmanager

As soon as he tweets this he gets hundreds of tweets and favourites including a reply from Hugh Laurie.

Hugh Laurie (@hughlaurie): Why are you up this early then? :p @twhiddleston

Tom Hiddleston (@twhiddleston): Get back to work @hughlaurie :p #thenightmanager

Hugh Laurie (@hughlaurie): @twhiddleston okay okay


At last when Jessica woke up at ten o'clock, Tom suggested that the pair of them go on a long walk to help her get used to her prosthetic. Reluctantly Jessie agreed but Tom promised her that they would go at her pace and they could stop whenever she needed to. This is why they are both hiking up a hill; Tom has noticed that Jessie has started to lag behind. "Do you want to stop?" He asks but she does not reply. "We could go and sit on that bench." He suggest while pointing at green painted bench which sits about seven yards away. Jessie nods so they both take a seat on the bench. "There is a party tomorrow night." Tom breaks the silence. "To celebrate the end of filming in Switzerland. Is it alright if we go?"

"Of course." Jessie agrees but Tom sense that she is not paying much attention.

"I am thinking of getting a tattoo of Benedict's face on my arse." He tests knowing that Jessie is dead set against tattoos and piercings.

"Hmm sounds cool." Tom sighs at the response and pokes his girlfriend's arm gently. She turns to face him with a weak smile.

"So when should I get this tattoo done?"

"What!" Jessica exclaims in fury, "You are not getting a tattoo mister."

"You just agreed to it." Jessie looks down at her hands looking ashamed so Tom reaches across and engulfs her into a hug.

"What are you thinking about dear J?" He whispers into her hair.

"I want to be able to run Tom."

"What like professionally?" He questions and she shrugs her shoulders, "When we get back to London I will get in touch with people who can help to make that happen." He rambles and Jessie turns in his arms so their eyes are gazing into each other. She pulls him down so their lips meet; it is a loving, appreciative kiss which ignites Tom's heart. This is the Jessie he knows and loves.

"Thank you." She expresses gratitude.


It is the night of the party and everyone is really enjoying themselves - maybe the alcohol that is rushing around their bodies in the blood has something to do with that. For the first time tonight, Tom and Jessie have split up to mingle which is why Jessie is sitting at the bar with Olivia Coleman sipping at a martini. 'Love me like you do' by Ellie Goulding is being blasted in the background so the pair are having to talk very loudly to each other. "I tell you what!" Olivia slurs, "Your Tom is a looker no wonder his fans all have big crushes on him!" She signals to a stumbling Tom who is attempting to dance in his drunken state with Hugh Laurie. Jessica laughs at him as she takes in Olivia's words when she realises that she is right. Her eyes skim Tom's figure and she takes in every nook and cranny. She bites her lip as his behind sways to and fro.

"Excuse me." She excuses herself as she staggers off the bar stool towards her boyfriend. Olivia watches her drag Tom's head towards her mouth as she whispers something into his ear. His lips curl up into a seductive smiles and their hands link as they pull each other towards the lift. Jessie turns her head to peer Olivia before winking causing the actress to choke on her drink. Tom and Jessie keep their hands clasped as the lift travels to the right floor. When it opens they both drunkenly rush to their hotel room eagerly. Tom slams the door and starts to attack Jessie's mouth moving her ever so quickly towards the large double bed. He pushes her back while trailing kisses down her neck...

...Tom wakes groggily with a pounding in his head. Hangovers. Oh how he hates them. He turns to look at his beautiful girlfriend and smiles before realising that something is different. She is naked. Tom lifts up the duvet cover and notices that he is also naked as the memories of the night before flood back to him.

A/n shit is going to go down in the next few chapters. But hopefully in a good way idk

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