Chapter 36

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Jessica sits and giggles at Tom who is rushing around the flat like there is no tomorrow; her nervousness has suddenly been lifted at this sight. Today she is meeting Tom's parents and one of his sisters for the first time which is why the actor is rushed off his feet. The thing is, Tom is nervous also about today, he wants his parent's approval in his chosen mate. Even though he knows that they will think Jessie is wonderful – because she is – there is still an underlying sense of apprehension. "Are you sure I cannot help Tom?" Jessie asks for about the hundredth time this morning.

"Everything is under control dear J." Tom has continually insisted that he is fine doing it all on his own but what he doesn't know is that Jessie has been helping all along. She turned down the heat on the hob to stop the contents of the pan from over flowing, she took the cake out of the oven to prevent it from burning and she laid the table correctly after Tom started to put two forks in one person's place and two knives in another. She can see that he is anxious.

Tom is now standing next to the stove continuing to cook in his nice jeans and a smart buttoned up shirt while Jessie sits on the sofa just staring at the door. She decided on dressing up well for this occasion in a sky blue summer dress which goes down to her knees and her hair is tied in a half up, half down kind of style.

There is a knock at the door so Tom turns down the heat on the stove and strides to the door as Jessie stands and straightens out her dress. He pauses at the door and takes a deep breath hoping that there is no issues today with both his mother and father being in the same room as each other. He hopes they behave. Tom then pulls open the door to reveal three very friendly looking faces. Tom's mum – Diana – is a lot shorter than Tom with a kind smile and white hair tied up in a bun. His dad – James – is a tall man and almost a splitting image of his son but with short grey hair. And finally but by no means least his younger sister – Emma – who has long blond hair and murky blue eyes. She is shorter like her mum. Tom's older sister Sarah could attend today's meal as she is reporting in India currently. "Hey guys!" Tom exclaims with excitement while letting the group past before he shuts the door. "This is Jessie."

"Hi." Jessie squeaks with a coy wave until she is engulfed in a hug by Diana and then Emma. James however settles for a handshake making his son roll his eyes.

"So this is the beautiful young lady who stole my son's heart." Tom's mother swoons where she stands.

"Stop embarrassing her mum." Emma giggles and takes a seat on the sofa before beckoning Jessie to sit next to her. "Something smells good."

"That would be your brother's amazing cooking skills." Jessie praises, "I am more of an amateur in the kitchen myself." The two woman laugh at this politely whereas James remains silent.

"Dad, would you help me in the kitchen with the drinks?" Tom asks and his father follows him into the kitchen. "Is wine okay for everyone?" He questions and both Diana and Emma agree. "What about you J?"

"Just water please." She replies and Tom smiles with a nod before disappearing into the kitchen.

"Ooh just water?" Diana giggles, "Are we expecting?" She jokes but Jessie starts to feel uncomfortable and her mind wanders back to her unborn child and to Switzerland.

"No." She coldly responds. "I mean... I just don't like the taste of wine or any alcohol really." When James returns to the room holding two glasses of white wine the atmosphere noticeably changes. He passes both the glasses over; one to his daughter and the other to his ex-wife who doesn't smile but doesn't frown either just keeps her expression neutral like a photo is being taken for a passport.

"So Jessie." Emma begins, "Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes I do." She smiles, "I have an older brother, Leo."

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