Chapter 6

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The car pulls up outside Tom’s block of flats and the actor climbs out of the car and opens the boot before pulling out the wheelchair. He unfolds it briskly but carefully making sure that it is safe for Jessica Morrissey to sit in. He then pushes it round to right hand side of the car and opens the back door where Jessie is sitting with a smile on her face. He always feels heart warmed when she smiles at him, it is how it is supposed to be. She twists her body so her legs are now outside the car door and Tom reaches in puts his arm around her back to help support her as she hops in the direction of the chair to sit on it. When she is safely sitting in it, Tom slams the back door shut and waves at Luke who speeds off. “Right.” Tom states with a smile, “Shall we go on up then?” He asks and Jessica nods with a large grin on her face. He begins to push the chair through the large double door which one of Tom’s kind neighbours held open. When they enter the lift Jessie leans and presses the ‘8’ button as she remembers which floor her saviour’s apartment is on. “You remember.” He beams.

“Yeah of course.” She replies as the lift travels further up the building, it grinds to a halt and the doors slide open revealing a long corridor with Tom’s flat and the furthest side. She glides down the corridor and she looks down at her legs, it feels odd knowing that she is always going to be like this. Disabled. They stop when they reach door and Tom fumbles in his pocket for the key which he pulls out seconds later and sticks into the look smoothly. Turning the key the door opens revealing the tidy flat which Jessica can remember but not as well as she wished. He then grips onto the chair again and pushes into inside.

“What do you want to do then?” He asks as he shuts the door after positioning her next to the sofa, “Are you hungry?”

“No I am okay at the moment.” She giggles at his nervousness, “I have made a list of TV and film I need to catch up on.”

“Really?” He raises an eyebrow and sits on the sofa facing her. She nods in response and lifts up her hips so she can reach into her back trouser pocket for the list. She grasps onto the paper and pulls it out for Tom to study. “Let’s see then…” He trails as he eyes look down the list, “Doctor Who.”

“I used to love that show with Rose and the ninth and tenth doctor.” She laughs, “I must have missed a lot.”

“Yeah you have. Two new doctors, six companions, the fiftieth anniversary special and Steven Moffat taking over from Russell T.” He rambles causing Jessie to burst out laughing and gripping onto her stomach. “What?”


“That I am.” He replies, “Okay let’s see what’s next…Harry Potter.”

“When I was err taken.” She sighs and a tear slips her eyes but she shakes it off, “I was waiting for the fifth to come out.”

“Okay I see.” Tom nods, “That means you have four to see.” She raises an eyebrow in confusion knowing that there is seven books, even if she did miss the release date of the last one. She was such an avid fan she was counting down to the seventh book being release. “They cut one of the books up into two films.”

“Oh I see…do you have the seventh book? I kind of missed the last one.” She asks and Tom nods.

“Yeah I do it is in the spare room…which is obviously your room now.” He smiles, “Next we have the Marvel films.”

“Yeah of course! I want to see you in action plus I worked out that I will have a lot of time to kill so I might as well watch them all. I used to like my brother’s comics so yeah.”

“Sherlock and the Hunger Games.” He mumbles.

“I heard they are amazing so I thought I might as well. But I must read the Hunger Games books as well I think.” Tom cannot believe how happy she is in her position but shrugs it off.

“Luckily for you I have the Hunger Games trilogy, the Harry Potter books and films, Sherlock on DVD and all the Marvel films.” He smiles a big toothy smile like he is proud of himself, “Oh and I have Netflix which I’m pretty sure has all the Doctor Who series on.”

“Netflix?” She questions.

“Oh it is this website where you can watch TV programs.” He explains.

“Oh I see.” She smiles.

“Shall we begin.”

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