Chapter 17

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A/n hey guys. The media:

Image - Felix and Blue in this book

Video - My latest youtube video

It is a couple of days later and Jessica Morrissey is sitting in a café by herself at the moment but is about to be joined by some old friends. This is thanks to Tom’s power of persuasion and Luke’s incredible of contacts they have managed to arrange a meeting with her old friends; Felix and Blue. About five minutes ago Tom dropped Jessie off and helped her into the café before leaving her to meet with some people from Marvel industries. She is so nervous. At this moment, the two young adults enter the café with their arms linked. They see Jessie and both smile somewhat weakly prior to taking a seat opposite her. “Long time no see.” Felix chuckles. His hair is a dark brown and is long at the front so is flipped to one side. “So how have you been?” He asks while Bluebell stays quiet.

“I have been better but I have had some great support.” She replies causing Blue to sigh. “I am sorry Blue for being such a bitch all those years ago. I was just so focussed-”

“Focussed on your training I know.” Blue interrupts. “We were so worried when you disappeared. I was blaming myself.”

“I am sorry.”

“And now you are suddenly here!” She waves her hands at her maybe in spite but most probably in shock. “Some say you were kidnapped others say you ran away.”

“I was kidnapped.” Jessie clarifies making Blue and Felix open their mouths in astonishment.

“I will get some drinks.” Felix pipes up and stands leaving the two girls in dead silence. If Tom was here then he would be urging Jessica to make conversation but he is not so has no input in the matter. A couple gruelling minutes later Felix returns with three hot chocolates it is then that he notices the wheelchair. “Wait are you hurt?” He questions and returns to his seat. Blue momentarily looks confused but then realises the wheelchair herself.

“Is that the only reason you wanted to see us?” Blue scoffs in disbelief. “You are unable to train so you thought ‘hey maybe I should contact those idiots that I used to hang around with’.”

“No I-” Jessica feels like crying but knows that would be the worst thing to do in this situation, “I saw you guys at the hospital the other day – oh congratulations by the way-” She signals to the baby bump and the pair nod their thanks, “And I realised that you must be in London so Tom persuaded me to-”

“Tom?” Felix says confused.

“My friend.” She replies, “He has helped me a lot over the last couple of months.”

“So are you injured? Was it the kidnappers?” Felix questions. This is what Jessie always loved about him, he always cares about everyone and sees the best in people.

“Something like that.” She stutters nervously not wanting to go into any detail. Suddenly, Tom bursts through the door looking flustered.

“J we have to go.” He states and everyone turns to look at him, “Oh great.”

“Wait you’re Loki!” Felix realises and clasps his hand over his mouth.

“Loki?” Blue pipes up.

“The press have been following me around.” Tom reasons, “Therefore we have to go now before they catch up with me.” He rambles and grips onto the handles of the wheelchair before moving it around the table and towards the exit of the door.

“Wait!” Blue exclaims and points at Jessica’s right leg which is now bare because the blanket had fallen off it. “You are disabled!”

“Blue don’t be so insensitive.” Felix retorts and places his hand on Jessica’s shoulder reassuringly. He reaches into his back pocket for a business card and passes it to her. “Call me. Text me. Anytime.” He smiles and she returns the grin. Tom nods his farewells and begins to push Jessie out of the café and towards the car while she looks down at the business card in her hands:

Felix Harris – Computer Solutions

Tel: ***********


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