Chapter 4

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Jessica Morrissey groans and attempts to fixate her sight onto something, anything but she is struggling. Whatever drugs they have dosed her up with are really effecting her central nervous system. She realises she is alone and her bonds are loose enough just to slip her skinny wrists through. She is free but she does not know how to claim her freedom. She begins to splutter, loudly, coughing up a murky, bloody liquid all over the cold floor. She feels dizzy and passes out on this floor coated in her own vomit.

Jessie awakes when she feels a tug on her arm. It is Tom but he isn’t his normal happy, positive self in fact he looks sad. “I’m sorry.” He apologises. She begins to panic wondering what he is apologising for, is she going to die? Is he going to leave her? He picks up the electronic tablet off the bed side unit and shows the screen to her. “I didn’t want you to see all this but I have realised that you have been researching me. I am not angry at you, I am angry at the press for making my life so difficult.” He continues to explain.

“It doesn’t matter.” She pipes up with a smile, “I am just feeling blessed that someone as lovely as you has come to my rescue. Thank you Tom.” He places down the tablet after locking it back on the bed side unit and then sighs while taking a seat and grasping onto Jessica’s hand in one swift movement. She knows that it is not normal for people who are practically strangers to hold hands but she is not complaining.

“Anyway the doctors have said that you go home tomorrow.” Tom states with a grin but she does not return this enthusiasm. She knows that she is going to live with him but that is not home to her. “I will make it as homely as possible.” He squeezes her hand gently reassuringly. “They have said you have to rest for a couple of weeks and you will have a wheelchair and crutches. Then after that you…we will go back into hospital to their special rehabilitation unit where they will discuss with you prosthetics and physiotherapy.” He rambles on for a while about different options for her which he has obviously researched on the internet.

“Okay Tom I get it!” She laughs.

“Okay.” He joins in by laughing, “And maybe we can get you to the Paralympics in 2016.”

“Maybe not.” She states, “Just let me get better first.”

“Yeah…” He chuckles nervously, “I was thinking – maybe in a couple of days – you would like to come out for dinner with me. To celebrate you being safe.” He mumbles the last bit.

“I would love to. I cannot remember the last time I had a good meal.” Tom can see this. Jessica is incredibly skinny and her face has thinned so she looks nothing like the photographs he has seen of her on the internet or in her parent’s house. He visited there when they were asking about her recovery. “Shouldn’t you be at work?” Jessie question with her eyebrows knitted together.

“No, the project was a nonstarter. Looks like I will be auditioning for stuff again.” He explains sorrowfully. “But hey, I am taking some time off until you are better.”

“You don’t need to do that.” Jessie blushes and tries to cover her reddening cheeks with her cover discreetly but fails. Tom notices and smiles to himself but does not press on the matter.

“I do.” He looks at his watch and groans, “Sorry I have got to go and talk to Luke about some shit that he wants me to do but isn’t going to happen. You get some rest.” He kisses her lightly on the forehead and releases his grip on her hand before leaving briskly. Jessica falls into a deep sleep, she did not even realise she was tired.

She hears voices surrounding her and realises that she is back on the hard table with the bonds around her wrists. Words are passed around like: ‘The authorities are…’, ‘It is poisoning her…’ and ‘We need to get rid of her…’ before she is untied and thrown into the back on a van which speedily leaves the underground base. She tumbles around the van which is going at full pelt and hits her head several times when they slow down, whoever they are, she pulls herself up onto a bench in the back of the van. She looks down at herself and she is thankful that she is at least wearing normal clothes. Minutes later she is dragged out of the van and dumped in some underpass. The occupants of the van drive off and she peers around unsure what to do next. The pain she is feeling is huge but she needs to get help so she powers her way to the closest building and slumps up against it. It is a train station.

Jessie wakes up from her nightmare and screams, “TOM!!!” But he is not there.

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