Chapter 16

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The party so far has been amazing and Jessica has not stopped laughing. It only feels like a couple of minutes ago when Tom left her to mingle with Mark Gatiss and his husband Ian Hallard but it was actually an hour ago. Jessie is sitting in the corner with a glass of water in her hand (she decided that alcohol wasn’t her thing) while chit chatting with James McAvoy and his wife Anne-Marie Duff. She has decided that James in the funniest yet rude – in a humorous way – man she has ever met. “I can’t watch my acting in that film without cringing.” McAvoy continues his story about how he knows Benedict from the set of Starter for 10.

“I must watch it then.” Jessie jokes.

“No dude!” He waves his hands in the air like a mad man. “At least start off by watching me in XMen.”

“Seen it.” She sips at her water.

“You have?!” He exclaims in shock.

“Yes of course.” She smiles, “Why else would I say you could take a seat opposite me?” James expression changes to one of mock offence and his about to start defending himself when Tom interrupts them with his classic laugh.

“Sorry to interrupt darling but we should get going. You have your prosthesis appointment tomorrow.” He explains and Jessie nods before saying her farewells and being wheeled out of the large house towards Tom’s car. Tom helps her into the passenger’s seat and places the wheel chair folded, in the boot of his car prior to getting into the car himself and switching on the engine.

“I am sorry.” Jessica mumbles and he peers around at her with a confused expression sketched onto his face as he pulls out of the drive.


“If I was not here then you could have stayed longer, drank alcohol and hung out with your friends.” She comments, “I was just in the way.”

“No you were not.” He persists.


It is the next evening and today Jessie had some measurements taken so they can fit her with a primary prosthetic. Ever since though, she has been quiet which Tom has noticed but for now has decided to not bother her. He is currently making some sort of concoction in the kitchen which was meant to be pasta sauce but is now turning into soup. Either way it smells delicious. He picks up a ladle and scoops two helpings of the edible liquid into two identical bowls. He slices some bread and puts it on a plate and then all the crockery and cutlery is placed onto the table. “Jessica!” He calls as he takes a seat at the table. Around thirty seconds later, Jessie enters the kitchen and positions her chair in the gap at the table.

“Thank you.” She mumbles and takes a sip of the soup.

“Jessie, I wasn’t going to ask but you are worrying me now…” He trails, “What is the matter?” No response. “If I am going to help you then-”

“I know Tom.” She interrupts him. “When we were leaving the appointment today, I saw some people I know. That is all.” She adds, “I did not even know they lived in London.” After Tom asks her to elaborate she takes a deep breath and drops the spoon into the bowl. “Before I became so focussed on my training I had friends. There was three of us…then I was being such a bitch. I do not blame them for leaving me.” She clarifies. “They were my best friends.”

“Tell me about them.”

“There was Bluebell but we called her Blue because she hated her name so much.” Jessie giggles at the memory causing Tom to smile. “She was a laugh you know. The disruptive one in class, not giving a shit about work but she had a good heart. And then there was Felix. Everyone used to tease him because he hung out with two girls but he did not care.”

“And you saw them both today?” He questions and she nods, “Together?”

“Yes. In more ways than one.” She sighs, “She is obviously expecting a child and he is quite obviously the father.”

“He could just be a supporting friend.” Tom rationalises.

“I do not think friends kiss like that.” 

A/n hey guys! I know this is short but I am planning on updating again this weekend if I get my work done in time. I am going to be introducing Felix and Bluebell to this book properly soon and I am thinking of making James McAvoy a friend of Jessie. What do you think?

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